View Full Version : Not really sure

08-01-15, 17:48
Hello :)

So basically what the story is is that since the 27th of September I basically suffered a nervous breakdown after a severe panic attack. Firstly it was PTSD then Agoraphobia then Health anxiety. It took me till this week to even start back at school I am however feeling somewhat better but still can't just drop how I'm feeling. Another problem is this what I can only assume is depression.

The main symptoms I have are all related to my head at the moment (#brainaneuryismworries). But the symptoms I can deal with and rationalise.

The thing I'm having the hardest time dealing with is this "not me" feeling. Not depersonalisation. Its more like I can't concentrate I have no aspiration to do anything at all and just feel like I'm loosing it and going to end up sat in my room doing nothing ever.

I just wondered if anyone had experienced this after health anxiety and if you have. Do you have any tips thanks


08-01-15, 19:19
This definitely sounds like slight depression, possibly caused by the anxiety. Having no aspiration and worrying about your future are two classic symptoms of feeling low, and overthinking. Force yourself to get out of the house, and set yourself goals. For me, getting up early and going for a run helps start my day well. It will be difficult at first, but it becomes easier over time, and helps a great deal. Any sort of exercise is extremely beneficial to help feeling fed up. When you are depressed or anxious, you live in your head, almost forgetting you have a body. This is what causes so many 'brain' symptoms


08-01-15, 22:24
Very common side effect of anxiety. When I was very anxious I used to feel like I was watching a film, not really part of what was going on. I lost all motivation and moved off the sofa to do only what I had to (which wasn't a lot...). Paralysed with anxiety is how I would describe it.

It's not at all unusual to get depressed after anxiety. All I would say is to do something.... anything. If you don't feel like it, just set yourself the smallest of tasks and be determined to do them. Can you find a friend or relative to go walking with? Physical activity is great for anxiety and depression and helps sleeping too.