View Full Version : Could it be gallbladder or thyroid

Tracy Dixon
08-01-15, 20:22
Hi...anyone's help would be much appreciated, over a year ago I began with intermittent pain in my right abdoman under my lower ribs, it didn't bother me to much and the doctor didn't seem concerned, so I've just pretty much gone about my days and ignored the achy ribs, 5 weeks ago the pain has become constant, I struggle to move around, do chores around the home, lift my children and so on, it's an effort even to cough, I feel nauseous for much of the day despite having an appetite for food, I have regular muscle and joint pains,I wake up from a night sleep and feel like I've never slept a wink, my energy levels are so low that everything is an effort, I feel freezing cold even being wrapped up in a warm house, the pain often radiates through to my back and inbetween my shoulder blades, my thoughts on this have been gallbladder or thyroid issue as I spent far to long worrying I had lung cancer! It's a never ending viscous circle! :weep:

15-01-15, 17:30
Hi Tracy- I had my gallbladder removed this past October. My first pains with it were very sharp and only occurred after foods that were fried or fatty. As time passed, it became more constant and duller. When I entered the ER, my gallbladder had become chronically inflamed and had a few stones in it. I had many similar pains as you have mentioned here. However, I also developed health anxiety during this entire process and alot of the limb/neck/body pains are similar. I have had multiple bloodtests, a head/neck CT scan and an ultrasound of the rest of the surrounding organs. Since the removal, I have been given a perfect bill of health. So, really it could be the gallbladder or anxiety. But if you want to know for sure, they can see gallstones or inflammation with an ultrasound. Very non-invasive. :) Good luck.

Tracy Dixon
21-01-15, 21:00
Hi Tiffany, thanks for your reply, there seems to be no pattern to my pain, I can't seem to link it with any type of food, it's become pretty much constant with bursts of severe pain, my right side hurts to bend forward.

Good news on your clean bill of health! It must be quite a relief to hear those words! X

26-01-15, 22:13
Mine became constant toward the end as well. I'd say if it persists for a really long time, get checked out. But yours could simply be anxiety messing with your digestive system as well. I've had my gallbladder removed and my anxiety still effects my digestive system. Anxiety is brutal physically when we let it get brutal with us mentally. My anxiety really kicked into full gear during preparation for surgery and continues to eat at me. I just have to learn to trust doctors. :)