View Full Version : Panic attack....

08-01-15, 21:15
I have been on Citalopram for 8 weeks now, things seemed a lot easier until today, I went to the hospital for a ultrasound, let me start at the beginning, felt slightly anxious on waking but it eased off, until I was about to leave the house, my heart was racing and I felt all tingly and hot, my hubby had to force me out of the house, if he didn't id have never gone. Once I was in the car I calmed down until I reached the hospital, now not only was I bursting for the loo (think I over did the full bladder thing) but my panic attack resurfaced, I felt really hot n flushed, tingling all over, chest felt tight and heart was racing, but as soon as I reached the waiting area I calmed down again, how the heck can I stop these as it was horrible, this is only the 3rd panic attack I've had and out definitely the worst one. I have never been so scared in my life.... I wasn't this bad when I went for a mammogram last year.