View Full Version : Amitriptyline and red blood spots

09-01-15, 00:14
Hi all

I have been taking amitriptyline for about 6 months now I started on 20mg and then it reduced to 10 mg but since taking it I have noticed I have started to get an increase in little red blood spots all over my body. Does anyone know if the amitriptyline could be causing the spots. I am thinking about coming off the amitriptyline as I don't feel it is benefitting me anymore but does anyone know about coming off it and is it best to reduce the dosage gradually or come off it all together due to the increase in red blood spots.

Any advice will be hugely appreciated

09-01-15, 22:25
I am assuming you have seen the doctor about these little red blood spots, and that all of your tests are normal? Are they like little tiny red pinpricks spread out across different areas of your body? If so, they may be the same little red spots that I have. I have these on my chest, arms and thighs. I've had blood tests to check (because I also have low platelets), but my doctor couldn't find an explanation. She sent me to a dermatologist to see if he could figure out what was causing them, and the dermatologist said that they were normal and harmless and that there was no need to look for a cause :) He said they are just broken capillaries and that's it. Perhaps ask your doctor if this could be the case for your spots, or even request to see a dermatologist if possible to help relieve that anxiety.