View Full Version : constant dizziness and worry!

09-01-15, 00:36
I have had anxiety for about 10 years, have been off and on ssri's for around 7 years. I was on paxil for the longest time and it worked really well, my new doctor told me about the long term affects and I had a lot of weight gain So I decided to switch to prozac. After about a year the anxiety got gradually worse to the point where I could no longer handle it, so I just switched to zoloft 2 days ago and I am hoping things will get better. I just have had this strange constant dizziness these past few weeks and am worried of a brain tumor or cancer, I'm not really sleeping well either. Was wondering if anyone else has had similar feelings or sensations?

09-01-15, 10:42
What does your dizziness feel like cooley? for me it varies between fleeting lighthead to a Vertigo type..like being pulled backwards through space.

09-01-15, 15:13
It's sort of like a vertigo sensation I guess, just like an off balance feeling. Just not feeling myself lately, I'm guessing because my brain chemistry is all out of whack. Will have to let the zoloft do it's thing I guess a d wait it out, hopefully I can find some relief sooner than later

09-01-15, 19:51
I was reading online yesterday that fairly recent studies find association with anxiety and vertigo, was very interesting.