View Full Version : good day today still with problems

09-01-15, 02:25
ok ive had a pretty good day today, had my first CBT session and then went to the shops to buy some fresh veg ext and came home made some soup from scratch and tried to chill out. Appetite has been a bit better today and only been the loo once and stomach has been making less noise which in turn has made me feel a lot better :) noticed ive lost 2 pound over night but I think this is normal no? I went for a walk which was hard as I still feel weak and like I have fatigue don't know if its in my head or not:lac: anyway so tonight I had a Chinese and enjoyed it but i find when i eat i get this bunged up feeling in the back of my throat? not all the time but sometimes? anyway my arms a legs still have these aches in they went away for a bit today but have come back and joints seem to be cracking a lot and im trying not to worry but ive had this for a while now and i was hoping it would go away:weep: its just dull ahces in my muscles! some if i crack my knuckles it feels better

09-01-15, 12:27
well I was feeling great my stools have gone normal again still soft but normal! had loose ones for nearly 3 weeks! but these aches are freaking me out woke up stiff! and found I yellow mark on my ankle about 1cm big and I have not hit that area and it was not there yesterday I don't think! now I think I have leukemia as im always tired loss of appetite ext but surley that would have showed in a blood test I had 4 weeks ago?