View Full Version : Sinus cancer????

09-01-15, 03:19
Hi, I've posted here before...I'm a 16 yr old girl and I have an intense fear that I have sinus cancer. My concern for this is due to the fact that I have excessive eye watering and runny nose and eye twitching on the right side only. It is not allergies because my dr said allergies cannot be unilateral. This has been going on for four years now. Sinus tumors are slow growing and sinus cancer often does not havemany symptoms until later. Also, red flags of sinus cancer are unilateral eye tearing and nose running. I saw an optometrist who said it might be a blocked tear duct, and I looked this up and one of the causes is sinus tumor. Other causes are inflammation and infection, neither of which I have(the eye dr checked). I also saw my pediatrician and he looked at my eyes and nose and says he saw inflammation in my nose. He says that the eye watering, nose running and eye twitching are all unrelated- it just seems odd to me that it would just be coincidence that it's all on my right side. I have an ENT appt in a couple weeks, but I am extremely, extremely anxious and want to get a CT of my sinuses immediately. Any advice? Thanks!