View Full Version : Can Excessive gas cause palipations

10-01-07, 04:54
I was wondering can excessive gass cause palipations


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10-01-07, 09:10
I wouldn't think they are linked. I mainly get palpatations because I am scared or nervous (or for no reason what so ever). I doubt wind has anything to do with palpatations.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

10-01-07, 10:40
Not sure on that one but anxiety cause gas in my case

Don't believe everything you think.

10-01-07, 12:25
This forum has postings from a heart specialist about palpitations which I found very useful:


He seems to suggest that diet, indigestion, wind etc can cause palpitations on occasion.

10-01-07, 12:32
hi james

i have just been for a heart scan a few weeks ago and i asked the doc same thing if gas and heart burn can make them worse or bring them on and she sead yes very much so she also sead if you eat a big meal it can make them worse because your tummy is full it pushes every thing up and puts a bit more preasure in the heart area!

jodie xx

13-01-07, 14:30
When your bowel is distended with gas, it can push on the diaphram and so when you have a natural palpitation you feel the vibration more than you usually would.

THis can also work for burping. A good burp can relieve nausea as well as feeling those palpitations as often they are brought on by stimulus of the vagus nerve. A cough or change of position will help


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

13-01-07, 14:47
those postings were really informative....I often wondered why I have the need to cough with a bad run of 'flutters'...now I know.

Thanks for that.

Coni X

13-01-07, 15:22
ok the short answer to this question is yes. but, they just feel a lot like palpitations, they actually may not be. i had reflux for a while and that caused what felt exactly like palpitations...it was the reflux though and they stopped when i took prilosec...im a Physician Assistant student (here in the USA its pretty much right under a Dr) so PM me if you need anything i'll do my best to help!


14-01-07, 10:20
The cough when you get a bad flutter is the body's way of shocking the heart back into a natural rhythm much the same as thumping the chest does

Don't believe everything you think.

15-01-07, 13:23
I'm really glad this question came up and quite relieved to hear the answers. I've had a lot of palpitations lately and noticed that they were worse when I had heartburn/indigestion. Whenever I burped it would feel a lot better and I didn't have that strange feeling round my heart.