View Full Version : Should I cancel my trip to London?Afraid of terrorist attack

09-01-15, 14:35
Next monday I'm going to London, I'll stay there for 3 days, and I'm thinking about cancelling my trip after reading this (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2902628/We-target-Paris-killers-hunted-forest-MI5-s-chilling-warning.html).

If I end up going, maybe the best option is to avoid the tube during rush-hours and avoid the main turist attractions such as Big Ben, London Eye, Buckigham Palace, Tower of London.. right? Any more advice?

I'm genuinely scared.
What would you do if you were in my position

09-01-15, 14:43
I would come.

You cannot allow these psychotic fanatics to interrupt your life, in any way shape or form.

I have lived in London my entire life. Perhaps for this reason I am somewhat less affected by these threats/things. I grew up in the 70s when the IRA were carrying out bombings in the country, focusing on London.

Same threats, different group of psychos now.

If anything, this will be the SAFEST time for you to visit London, as it will be in high alert mode. There will doubtless be cops everywhere in the centre of the city, and on the underground.

Nobody knows if or when something may/can happen here. Yes, it may, but what do you do? Not travel anywhere? Not live your life as normally as you can?

Millions of Londoners and tourists will be doing their normal things here. You should too.

09-01-15, 14:44
Honestly, I would be scared too but I'd probably go anyway.

But, I'm stubborn. These people want you to be afraid and they want you to change your life in accordance with that fear. By going anyway and doing what you feel is right even if they are threatening you for doing it, you are telling them they won't win, they can't win.

If you're concerned, do what you think will make you feel safest. But don't allow these people and what they may or may not do to ruin your trip. Going to London is such an awesome opportunity!

09-01-15, 14:58
I would still go, the likelihood of anything happening is very very slim. Just go and enjoy it. Don't avoid places just make sure you listen to instructions, etc and you'll be fine.

09-01-15, 15:09
I would come.

You cannot allow these psychotic fanatics to interrupt your life, in any way shape or form.

I have lived in London my entire life. Perhaps for this reason I am somewhat less affected by these threats/things. I grew up in the 70s when the IRA were carrying out bombings in the country, focusing on London.

Same threats, different group of psychos now.

If anything, this will be the SAFEST time for you to visit London, as it will be in high alert mode. There will doubtless be cops everywhere in the centre of the city, and on the underground.

Nobody knows if or when something may/can happen here. Yes, it may, but what do you do? Not travel anywhere? Not live your life as normally as you can?

Millions of Londoners and tourists will be doing their normal things here. You should too.

I hope you're right.. I hope they are increasig their security system. Are there enough cops in the streets and tube stations?
I also heard the government let 300 jihadis back in, so it doesn't help. For someone who deals with GAD, this is terrifying, I'm already in panic mode.

09-01-15, 15:34
I'm old enough to remember the troubles in Northern Ireland, that spilled over to the mainland. Our Security Services over here are used to terror threats.

Try not to let these mindless thugs ruin your trip.

09-01-15, 16:21
I hope you're right.. I hope they are increasig their security system. Are there enough cops in the streets and tube stations?
I also heard the government let 300 jihadis back in, so it doesn't help. For someone who deals with GAD, this is terrifying, I'm already in panic mode.

I personally don't go into the city much. I prefer not to, not because I am scared, but because frankly, it does my head in as it is so busy, I am not a fan of crowds, nor the rudeness you get in the heart of the city, as it is dog eat dog mentality there, so as to exactly how many/if there are enough cops there, I can't say, but I do know that the times I am in the city, and certainly when it is on high alert as it will be right now, there are many cops on the street, police/transport police on the underground, armed cops at airports, etc. etc. I also have GAD incidentally, so I understand the fear it creates.

As for the jihadis.....that I was not aware of, but it doesn't surprise me at all. It is a sick joke, but the truth of the matter is, London (or anywhere else here) may well already have individuals in small town mosques who can commit these atrocities out of left field. That is the country we are living in now, which is why predicting where or when something will happen is impossible, beyond what the intelligence services are aware of and watching.

I will not give these brainwashed fanatics the satisfaction of me hiding away in fear, in my own birth city and country.

They win then

09-01-15, 17:17
I'm going to London next week,no way will these mental fanatics stop me going about my business.Anxiety can't even do that

09-01-15, 17:34
Daily Mail... nuff said

Positive thoughts

09-01-15, 19:59
The Heil will dine out on this for weeks. Please come to London, Mary. You will never have a 100% guarantee of safety as that would be impossible but we are very well protected by our Security and Intelligence Services and the Met Police is second to none.

10-01-15, 07:09
As for the jihadis.....that I was not aware of, but it doesn't surprise me at all. It is a sick joke, but the truth of the matter is, London (or anywhere else here) may well already have individuals in small town mosques who can commit these atrocities out of left field. That is the country we are living in now, which is why predicting where or when something will happen is impossible, beyond what the intelligence services are aware of and watching.

I will not give these brainwashed fanatics the satisfaction of me hiding away in fear, in my own birth city and country.

They win then

Yeah, its not the current lot with IS, its those who went to Syria so its more about the training they had and who they mixed with... but we were supporting their actions. They have been monitoring them since they have come back and some have been arrested. We have to remember though that they were from all over Britain so its not that London has had an influx, they just returned home to their families.

I wouldn't avoid London on this basis or anywhere else. I think the OP needs to remember that anxiety feeds on all this stuff and most of the battle is in keeping moving forward despite it's attempts.

Please don't be put off OP, you will enjoy your trip if you allow yourself to and remember that tourist areas are always prioritised by any police force.

10-01-15, 19:20
Thank you for all your replies, I'm trying to relax and it helps.
Yesterday I panicked and couldn't stop crying for minutes. It's the first time I'm leaving home (a small city in Portugal where nothing happens), the first time I'll go to London (a city I've always wanted to visit) and I was feeling so excited, now I feel bad for myself because, since the timing couldn't be worse, my anxiety is at it's highest.
However, I'll be brave and monday I'll be in London...

11-01-15, 13:08
The chances of being caught up in a terrorist attack are incredibly slim, close to nil. I went to Egypt two weeks after their attack and was 20 miles away from a Saudi Arabian attack. My friends were in central London during 7/7 and were fine, they were none the wiser. Hubby and I went into Croydon the day after the attacks in Paris this week. And we still travel, despite what these morons are trying to do.

If you cancel trips because of the terrorists then they have won the war. Go to London.

11-01-15, 23:48
I'm with fishmanpa the Daily mail prints a load of rubbish. If we believed everything they published over the years we'd all be hiding in concrete bunkers by now. You've still got more chance of being struck by lighting! Go and enjoy :) x