View Full Version : Letter from Council re single person discount

09-01-15, 14:55
I got a letter to say the the council are reviewing all single person council tax claims so have sent out a letter asking me to confirm that I am the only adult in the address, which I am - in fact the only person in the address. It says it is investigating all people who claim the discount so why am I freaking out about the letter. Like I am doing something wrong!!!! Palpitations, shaky, breathing funny etc...

09-01-15, 15:12
So, just send it back confirming you're the only person in the address. No need to get worked up about it. You know you're in the right, you're doing nothing wrong. You know everything is above board.

You have to calm down.

09-01-15, 15:23
I agree with Shakey1961. They're not singling you out, You won't be the only single person to have received one. Probably just a computer generated letter.

09-01-15, 15:23
I know, I just can't shake it. Are they pretending it is all houses but it's just me??

09-01-15, 15:41
Your anxiety is feeding off your fear of the this letter, making you have irrational thoughts.

sign it and post it

09-01-15, 16:17
Thanks, it is signed and ready to post.

Stupid GAD.

09-01-15, 17:13
They will have sent them to all the single occupied properties they have on their list.

Yes they are singling you out, but they're singling out all the properties that have one person in.

Well done. Just post it.

10-01-15, 15:51
Woohoo well done wabbit1

10-01-15, 15:59
Just to let you know that your not alone. Official letters completely freak me out.

My reaction would be completely the same as yours. I'd know my reaction was completely illogical but it would be overwhelming. Logic disappears when the panic sets in with me.

10-01-15, 16:11
That's what anxiety does, it lurks and when a trigger occurs like, official letters or a health concern, it shows itself replacing logic with irrational thoughts, paranoia and conspiracies, which then feeds the anxiety....horrible vicious circle!!!

sound familiar????:hugs: