View Full Version : new & anxious

09-01-15, 20:26
hello there,
as you may have gathered im new to this forum and have been suffering from anxiety. I have been suffering now since August last year.
I have always been a worrier, the littlest things have always seemed the biggest to me. But back in August it seemed to just escalate into something alot worse. I feel abit silly talking about what triggered it but basically I hadn't watched the news in years, literally not bothered with it. Then I started seeing things going on in the world around us and it started making me more and more and MORE anxious.
before I knew it the panic attacks kicked in, its taken over every thought I have and just effects every single day of my life.
I am only 22 and I feel like its going to take over the rest of my life too which scares me even more!!
it took me a good 3 months to finally pluck up the courage to see my GP. In which I was put on propanaol and I have also signed myself up for an 8 week 'feel good' course that begins in a few weeks. I hate to say it but the tablets I am on do not help in the slightest but I am afraid to visit my GP for the second time running to tell him these aren't helping in the slightest.
sorry for the long intro but I figured it best to just put it all out there. Thankyou for reading (:

09-01-15, 20:31
Hiya eyelashwishes and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-01-15, 23:43

I understand where you are coming from, the embarrassment and shame of panic/anxiety makes us internalize way too many things. For many years I hid behind a mask of everythings okay, when in reality I was a mess. That state of mind got me to make some really bad decision that not only affected me but my family.

One thing I'd suggest is being honest with your dr. and tell him or her the med's are not working. Lord knows I am no expert, just someone who's lived with panic/anxiety for a while. I suggest finding a psychiatrist who has more specialized training then a GP. Currently the one I use has been great my current med's Prozac and Buspar are working quite well. Another suggest is give the program you're signed for a chance. You never know till you try.

Panic/anxiety is one of those things that get's you to dwell on past mistakes and future worries. Try and focus you self on what's going on at the moment. Mindfulness training has been a Godsend for me. There are plenty of free material on the web that can tell you about that.

As you can see I ramble a bit myself. Remember, don't let yourself suffer alone, build a team around you. Best to you.

11-01-15, 15:40
Eyelashwishes why are you afraid to go back to your Gp? You could be saving yourself unnecessary anxiety by doing so, maybe telephone instead or take someone you trust, you do not have to suffer when there is help available. I find propanalol only helps with physical issues of anxiety not the mental anguish.
I did the same as you years ago and didn't tell anyone, certainly not a doctor of fear of getting locked up!!!! It took 6 months for anxiety to pass and is painful to this day to think I put myself through that!
I've been on an antidepressant for a week and feel so much better already.
Sending you a virtual hug xxxx

11-01-15, 21:48
Hi, I get where you're coming from. I have anxiety which is getting worse by the day and depression - also getting worse by the day. I have seen doc and been put on beta blockers too, I'm also on amitriptyline for depression and the non descript aches and pains anxiety brings. However like you I dont feel the meds are working, as above its getting worse by the day and feel like my GP wont believe me for some reason - no idea why i feel that but I do, so dont want to see Doc at all. However i am going tomorrow with my husband will do the talking for me as i get so anxious seeing the doctor I stutter and trip over my words. Is there anyone you could take with you for support? I do understand why you feel like you do but Im sure you're doctor (like mine) will just try to help you the best they can. x