View Full Version : Constantly zoning out.

09-01-15, 21:49
I have been struggling with HA on and off for about 10 years.

For the last 3 weeks my focus has been on brain tumor. As I have said on this forum before, it all started with sharp head pain when i coughed. I visited a walk-in clinic and the doctor prescribed me some sinus steroid spray and I went on my way.

I then started checking with dr. google and frightened myself. I have frightened myself so badly that although my initial symptom of head pain is gone I felt nearly every symptom that could be associated with a brain tumor.

-blurred vision in left eye
-droppy right side of face (Wife says its just assymetry, she works in the beauty industry)
-sharp stabby pains all over head but mostly on the left side
-dull sinusy headache
-odd smells which last only for a whiff and then I can't find them again.
-slurred speech (only I notice it)
-crackling and ringing in my ears (mostly left)

These have come and gone and make appearances from time to time.

The symptom which I developed three days ago and is terrifying me is constand zoned out feeling. It's like it is a chore to focus on something. I wonder if this is just my hyperawareness of the fact that we normally don't focus on more than one object, but I can't seem to focus for very long on anything.
It usually starts in the afternoon around 3pm and clears up by 7 or 8 that night.

Does anyone here have some reassurance or a similar experience they can share with me. I am very worried.

09-01-15, 21:53
I think when it's the midst of a bout of health anxiety it's very easy to zone out like you say and not really pay attention to things going on around you. This happens with me scarily sometime when I am driving. I'm there but not there if you know what I mean zoned out thinking crazy shit about health

Sound familiar?

09-01-15, 21:58
Yes. I could certainly identify with that. The only thing that makes me REALLY worry is that even when I am aware that I am zoned out, I still cant seem to be able to bring myself back.

It's terrifying.

09-01-15, 22:04
I find fresh air always helps especially if it happens when at work 5 mins outside and some deep breaths will help zone back in ��

10-01-15, 00:14
I think I will try that. If only it wasn't so cold here :S lol.

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 19:36 ----------

I was able to calm the zoning out.

Now the most disturbing symptom (the strange smells) is back.

10-01-15, 11:42
Look up the Centre for Clinical Interventions and go to their self help CBT modules on health anxiety.

The fact you are posting here and not a health forum unconsciously tells you that these symptoms could very well be health anxiety :)

P.S - give Dr Google the boot. He is an alarmist fool who thrives on worst case scenarios. I suspect he is a bit of a drama queen who wants your repeat business ;)