View Full Version : Face sensations?

09-01-15, 22:16
Hello been having a hard time I was at work a week ago when I felt an odd sensation on the left side of my face. It's not tingling it not numb. It's this feeling of pressure? Almost as if something is pressing on my face. It's mainly my cheek, Temple, jaw, side of head. I grind and clench very bad at night I wear a night guard. Since this has happened I'm having very bad anxiety and of course convinced I have a brain tumor. Ugh. Has anybody ever had anything like this? Thank you hope everyone is doing ok

10-01-15, 02:04
Hi pinky

Sensations are a very common occurrence with anxiety. They can be very real and take on many different forms. your brain seems to be able to project feelings and even pain to locations around your body. Plus the tension and adrenaline create actual feelings and if you are aware of the feeling and clenching and grinding you could have replaced an initial odd sensation with a real one. We tend to get stuck in these silly circles !

I totally appreciate the fear you feel right now which is why I hope you find it useful to understand that believing you have any number of serious illnesses including brain tumor is also a very common anxiety response.

Best thing if you're still feeling the problem is to see the doc. It could be a simple ear infection or something or it could be anxiety either way the doc can help and you always leave the doc feeling better.

Be forgiving of yourself. Im sat here giving you advice and I'm doing the same thing myself. Worried about various things even though I've been to the docs and been sent away with advice on anxiety reduction. Again.

Keep strong and come back on here for moral support


10-01-15, 02:38
Thank you for your reply, no matter how many years I have anxiety I will never get used to it. Everything feels so fresh and scary, I usually do pretty good about not completely losing it, but some days I'm not in control. I go to the doc quite often I just had blood works, ekg and a treadmill test, every time they tell me to go get counseling. Last time he looked in my ears he wanted me to see an ent because I've been having sinus issues for years and I have a bunch check of fluid in my ear, but my health insurance won't cover the ent. Some days I feel entirely way to sorry for myself. I suppose I don't even know what hard times are but yet I still curl up in bed unable to sleep constantly googling for reassurance. Completely convinced I'm dying of a condition in don't even understand.