View Full Version : Weeing still :(

09-01-15, 23:11
Here I am again I posted a while bk about a stage of cisitius I had followed by a uti and bladder infection but I'm still left with the urge to wee aMore than normal it's gone from every hour to every two hours I'm obv worried it's something serious to have gone on this long. :( don't no where to go from here has anyone experienced bladder problems after and infection xx

09-01-15, 23:27
I've had problems with bladder even without an infection. Mine was from anxiety - I'd go for a wee and then want to go again. The more I thought about it, the worse it got. Now that I've moved on to new fears, it doesn't worry me (even though some days I still need to go more often).


10-01-15, 11:51
I had a UTI before Christmas coupled with thrush (lucky me eh) I am still having symptoms even though the UTI has cleared (urine test clear but still weeing a lot and burning) and the Dr told me the symptoms can carry on sometimes even though the infection has gone. Try not to worry :) I found drinking loads of water and cranberry juice really helped me. Sorry if this is TMI but I have laid off having sex for a few days too and that has helped loads as I think that was making it worse. Hope you feel better soon x

16-01-15, 14:40
Thanks guys x

16-01-15, 14:45
Think that's normal, I had a UTI and kidney infection after Christmas and still had those symptoms you explained for about a week after I came off antibiotics, but they did a urine test and was no infection and they've gone now, so try not to worry :) x

16-01-15, 16:23
Yeah! I had a time just before Xmas (no UTI or infection I was aware of) and couldn't stop going. I thought I was over it and from yesterday it's reared it's ugly head! Convinced myself I have ovarian cancer! It's horrible x

16-01-15, 16:37
First of all, depending on your liquid intake, urinating every 2 hours is not unusual. Burning or not being able to urinate even though you feel the urge might be some layover from the UTI. I had a kidney infection in college and it does take a while for your system to get back to normal after something like that. If it's still not better in a week or so, check back with your doctor and maybe they need to put you on a different antibiotic. I really wouldn't worry about it being anything more serious though! UTIs and kidney things happen! Give your body a break! Drink tons and tons of water, take a break from alcohol and anything else that will dehydrate you like too much caffine, and don't use any scented soaps or washes. Take a break from sex for a few days too. After the infection clears, your tissues are still irritated and inflamed so they need time to heal. I used to get a lot of UTI symptoms without actually testing positive for a UTI and we discovered I was becoming irritate by my bf's soap. Just treat your body extra carefully and hydrate hydrate hydrate to flush everything out!

16-01-15, 16:53
Excellent advice songbird :)

I think every two hours is just fine... normal - the average is about 8 times a day apparently, so if you went every 2 hours whilst awake a total of 8 times - that would be 16 hours of your day filled, which leaves 8 hours for sleeping. Everyone is different but I would think that if you were going less often, you are probably not very well hydrated... :shrug:

17-01-15, 15:30
How long did yours go on for flattery cat? X

---------- Post added at 15:30 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

Hi snowflake how long did yours go on for after infection as mines being going on months :(

17-01-15, 15:38
Mine went of for a month after I had it and can still be triggered off now. Bubble bath, tight clothes, alcohol and not drinking enough fluids makes it worse. Sometimes UTIs can leave you sore for a while even after the infection has gone.

My really eased off after I stopped having sex for a few days and I don't use any kind of bubble bath now and no soap or shower gel round that area - just water.

If you are weeing often that can be due to anxiety, I get this particular symptom a lot. Also if you are drinking more fluids to flush your system out it will make you wee more.

Try not to worry hun, it will clear up :) if it was something serious you would most likely have other symptoms xx