View Full Version : Is this bfs or als?!!!

09-01-15, 23:45
Hello everyone!! I have some question about twitching and I was hoping someone here could answer them and ease my fears. I have been twitching since september after a suspected herpes infection in may. But prior to the twitching, I had small head jerks and limb jerks before falling asleep in July and august and globus sensation that started in September. Since then I have had right sided fatigue of my muscles but full body twitching with buzzing. And I also had some scalp tingling that has went away.

My main concern is that my right thumb muscle in particular has worm like movements and my right hand in general just feels funny compared to my left. (I am right handed). Picking up things with my right hand feels funny and I am afraid this is the start of weakness.

Considering the symptoms I have listed above, what is the likleyhood that this is a serious mnd? I forgot to mention that I got my second gardasil vaccine shot in June as well and I have heard bad things about it, but I don't know if these symptoms are related to the shot.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

---------- Post added at 17:45 ---------- Previous post was at 17:40 ----------

I am also 18 years old. Forgot to mention that!

14-01-15, 22:07
Hi there. I wanted to let you know that I have been through this about three years ago right after I had horrible anxiety over a breast lump. Once I found out that it was benign, I was relieved, but I still had physical anxiety symptoms that were lingering. I began having little tiny twitches throughout my body and thought, like you, that I had ALS. There is a great forum for BFS where you'll find many people who have the same symptoms as you. Just do a google search of BFS forum, it's the first choice on the page.

This other symptoms you're describing sound like you're just being hyperaware of your body and how it moves. Sometimes when my health anxiety is high I start feeling pains/awkward movements that I never noticed before. That's just because you're focusing on your body and every little thing it does, whereas before your brain didn't even register it.

If you're still concerned, the test for ALS or any MND is pretty simple and painless. Get referred to a neurologist, they'll insert tiny little needles into your muscles to observe their electrical output. They can tell you then and there if something is up. But honestly, you just sound like you're having anxiety symptoms and are being hyperaware of your body. Any MND will progress, and usually it progresses fast. Usually it will start in one muscle group at a time and not cause widespread twitches.