View Full Version : Hello

10-01-15, 02:49
My name is Brian. Im 23 years old. I love to play a bit of guitar, listen to Blink 182, and distract myself as much as possible.
Im looking for some friends, not that I have none but my friends in my immediate world dont really understand or know the chaos that I live with each day. I used to be an athlete in high school. I pitched JV baseball and ran cross country and track later on. Over the last 4 years my life has taken a horrible turn and I am in a place I thought I'd never be in. I went from a fun, energetic, healthy kid to an anxious, unhealthy, and unhappy 23 year old. Anxiety and depression took my identity from me. I became a borderline-alcoholic at 20.(taken care of) I dropped out of a Public IVY league school this fall because I couldn't deal with everyday life anymore. People on the outside wouldn't see any of this, and everyone thinks i'm just a normal guy. My life has really taken a downfall over the past year especially after the love of my life and girlfriend of 2.5 years cheated on me and left me at my all-time low. She lives 5 minutes from me but goes to school in the city. She convinced me how madly in love she was with me, only to leave me as seemingly easy as it is t down pill with a glass of water. I think alot of us on here, or at least myself, are looking to find answers but maybe not in the definitive sense. I think im here because I want to be a part of something, and maybe Ill meet some cool people in the process. Message me anytime!

P.S...I have been convinced I have pancreatic cancer for the last 3 months. :/

10-01-15, 02:54
Hiya Brian91920 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-01-15, 16:43
Welcome Brian!
The anxiety can convince us of many things....and too much Google :) also my downfall!


11-01-15, 01:30
Toynova63 I know I have a cat scan Tuesday and praying it's not serious :/

11-01-15, 01:38
I'll be praying for you as well. Cat scan was a quick & simple procedure if that helps to ease your mind in any way!!

Mary :)

25-01-15, 21:59
Thanks! I was in the er for a kidney stone and got a cat scan just to update but I didnt ask about the pain near my pancreas so now I dont know what to do! I feel like im dying here.