View Full Version : Blood - help

10-01-15, 07:10
sometimes bring up cataar in the morning.
This morning I brought up quite a bit of blood.
Terrified I have cancer.
I'm going to GP on Friday.
Please help..

10-01-15, 14:06
Can anyone help.

always worried
10-01-15, 16:07
I have had this before and even recently. Most likely to be irritation. Do you have a lot of cattargh in a morning? I had endoscopy showing all was fine despite having a swollen throat.

Good luck ;)

10-01-15, 18:21
Yes, I do have catarrh in the mornings.
I've had streaks before, but this was lot more about half a tissue full.

always worried
11-01-15, 17:41
Probs a burst blood vessel.