View Full Version : Weak pulse during panic attack

10-01-15, 09:54
Hi all. Yesterday I managed to get myself into a state because I had a sudden feeling of shortness of breath. I was driving home from work and suddenly felt like I had to think about my breathing and like I was short of breath. I tried to stay calm as I thought it's probably a panic attack like I have had in the past and just hyperventilation trying to kick in so I tried not to get worked up. When I got home thought I felt worse and like I just couldn't breathe properly so I checked my pulse (which I also have a habit of doing due to my anxiety). I got more scared because my heart rate felt slow and my pulse weak and usually if I'm having other anxiety symposium like breathing problems my heart will race and be really thumping so it scared me. The whole time of feeling like this my heart still didn't seem to race and was quite slow and pulse felt weak so it scared me into thinking something is wrong like I was having a heart attack or something, but I know how silly this sounds because I didn't have chest pain or anything, it's just weird that my heart felt quite weak at a time when other panic symptoms had hit me. I went for a walk to try and snap out of it which made my pulse feel a bit stronger which was more reassuring but all I can think is 'what if I had a mild heart attack and now my heart is damaged'. I didn't originally feel very anxious when the original breathing symptoms hit me so I'm wondering whether it's just because I was actually quite calm in my head compared to how I usually react in some panic attacks when I get a sudden rush of adrenaline, which I didn't seem to get with this.

17-01-15, 04:59
I've certainly had the feeling of being really flat, where my pulse is slow and doesn't want to speed up even though this feeling is making me anxious and I also feel like I'm slightly lacking breath. It feels like if I go to sleep, I won't wake up again and I have to keep active.

I think it comes from anxiety, digestion and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems all interacting and getting screwed up.

But yeah, it does sound familiar. :)