View Full Version : Labrynthitis or Brain Tumour

10-01-15, 10:23
Am terrified. Went to ENT consultant who says i definitely do not have labrynthitis. Have really bad hearing in right ear for as long as I can remember. Due this (and probably because I have private health) I have been referred for an MRI of head. He said very unlikely to be a brain tumour - said odds of 1 in a 1000. Now here's the the thing. I think those odds are quite low so now I'm terrified. Have been light headed on and off for months and feel a bit wonky. Had the walking on the spot with my eyes closed which I passed with flying colours. Why am I so scared, can't help it.

10-01-15, 11:35
It honestly sounds like your symptoms are that of anxiety :)

I'm sure the MRI is booked to allay your fears and you are covered for it.

I can assure you with total certainty that if you had a brain tumor, the hearing loss in your right ear would have progressed to other symptoms considering you've had it "as long as you remember"

So, either get peace of mind by keeping the scan appointment OR go chat with the ENT again, explain your anxiety and ask the best approach to manage both

10-01-15, 14:50
Thanks for that, Wil keep the appointment, it does worry me that I get these headaches at the back and top of my head. The ENT man said that was due to stress, I even get it walking round shops though and I've never found shopping stressful. I am really sacred.

10-01-15, 22:18
I had all of these symptoms, exactly the same and it came down to anxiety. Bit of dizziness was down to post-viral cold but it went slowly as I calmed down. I get terrible headaches due to tight shoulders from tension x

10-01-15, 23:10
Hopefulmi, please tell me what your symptoms were. My headaches start just where my head meets my neck and go up to my scalp. I'm quite sure that they are tension headaches but I'm worried. It's more light headed than dizzy like when you get up too quickly. I Also feel lopsided although my husband and children tell me that I'm perfectly straight and the marching test proves this.

11-01-15, 20:08
I've had dizziness, tinnitus, headaches, etc etc... and had an MRI and all was fine. It can be caused by so many things, it's EXTREMELY unlikely it's anything serious :)

11-01-15, 20:28
Hi thanks for your reply. Mine is more fuzzy headed but I also feel like I'm off balance although I am reassured constantly that I'm not. Did you have that feeling too. I'm so frightened about the MRI, my headaches are relieved by paracetamol and I don't have nausea. Surely all this can't be anxiety.

11-01-15, 20:38
Do you have tinnitus or just a fuzzy head?

I have tinnitus and fuzzy head for months and tinnitus for a year. Anxiety makes it worse for me.

11-01-15, 20:52
I can hear a low hum sometimes. The ENT consultant was not concerned about that and made me stand with my eyes shut marching like a soldier which I did no problem so there's not much wrong with my balance but it feels like there is. I have had my eyes tested twice and there's no change to my prescription. My headache starts at the bit where my neck meets my head and sometimes spreads to my scalp. I'm so worried that I have a brain tumour.

11-01-15, 22:42
My symptoms were EXACTLY the same, took ages to get rid until I got my anxiety under control x

12-01-15, 07:25
Hopefulmi, I can't believe it, I hope that's all mine is. I'm terrified. Are you on medication for your anxiety.

12-01-15, 08:37
Just started back on this week, today is day 8 on 20mg of citalopram

12-01-15, 14:02
My MRI scan is fixed for Thursday, I am now absolutely terrified, don't think I will sleep until I get the results a week later. I am not sure I know what to do with myself. I hardly have any symptoms of a brain tumour but this anxiety is exacerbating the light headed. It is a vicious circle. I am sat at work trying not to cry.:mad:

12-01-15, 14:33
Have you asked about maybe trying medication, it really does help when you get the right one, can be trial and error at first x

12-01-15, 15:27
I have tried Sertraline but did not like how it made me feel at all. Once I have got the MRI and results out of the way, if it is all ok then I really need to sort my head out and see if I can get some medication. I think if it is all ok then I will be fine - until the next thing comes along.