View Full Version : Tired All The Time??

10-01-07, 10:39
Hi Guys
I'm feeling really dog tired lately and was wondering if anyone else feels the same.
I haven't had a day off work since Xmas Day (yes I even worked New Years )
Being a Real Estate Agent my work isn't physically demanding but there is a fair bit of "brain" work involved.
If I tell my GP I get sent for cancer tests that are always negative.
Thanks in advance

Don't believe everything you think.

10-01-07, 11:15
i think its all to do with anxiety i too get tierd some days more than others!
try to have a day off if possible for some relaxation time!i,m not surprised you,re tierd having worked so much.
take care
rach x

10-01-07, 11:46
Hi, I have this tirednes at the moment its horrible. I have had this in the past and it has went again, I dont work as I am registered blind and went for a blood test this morning. I have been getting up as late as 11am and its so hard work just getting up, I always like to keep bussy doing things but just going to the shops with wife in the car has been too much for me, I just want to lay down and sleep nearly all the time. I think anxiety can do this as I have had this in the past, also being winter and long dark wet, cold days dont help as you cant even realy even pop in the garden for an hour, I dont think its anything to do with over work as in the past i have found the bussier I keep the better I feel. Take care. Vernon

10-01-07, 13:16
anxiety will make you tired - it's like leaving the lid off the kettle - it's using up energy all the time to boil the water until it boils dry.

Switching off the kettle, or in this context, the reasons behind anxiety means we don't burn 'wasted' energy.

Don't underestimate diet and nutrients however.

3 -4 reasonably size meals a day is needed to keep our bodies ticking over nicely.

By the time we are awake in the morning it's often 8 -10 hrs since we last ate so if we only grab a quick bite to eat, by mid morning its a case of 'sugar and coffeee, here we come' for many people.

If you're an estate agent I'd guess it's a case of a quick bite to eat when you get the chance, viewings up to late ish some days and weekend working.

By the way you describe the hours I'd guess that this will be playing a part in the hassle you've got.

Its probably not helping but you can accomodate it if you plan ahead.



10-01-07, 20:29
i found out i have a yeast intolerance, have given up eating yeasty foods and the tiredness has gone, early days but feel much better.

1 in 3 people have yeast intollerance, may be worth trying it out for 3 months,


10-01-07, 21:09
i have spent the last 3 days sleeping as i have felt exhausted and emtionally drained recently. if you can sleeping helps..

10-01-07, 23:18
Thanks for all the advice guys. I think I'm just mentally drained.
I knocked off work at lunchtime yesterday (Wednesday ) and told em that I'd see em Friday.
Went for a nice relaxing massage and had a good nights sleep.
Now I'm fonna spend today doing nothing. Maybe catch a few more ZZZ's in front of Oprah.Let's face it she's boring enough to put anyone to sleep!

Don't believe everything you think.

11-01-07, 20:37
Work that involves alot of thinking is very tiring, physically. I would come home from college some days and feel exhausted because of all the thinking I have to do.

Try having some early nights during the week and bring a bottle of Lucazade (sp?) with you.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

11-01-07, 20:41

Have you thought it maybe that you are suffering from SAD, its the beginning of the year, we have had bad weather so its a posibility. Try looking into booking a holiday and see if that makes you feel better


12-01-07, 01:00
Hi Keith
Good theory but it's summer here.I reckon it's just overwork.I'm gonna book a week away with the wife when I can get a break

Don't believe everything you think.

12-01-07, 17:15
Hi Phill
I'd imagine Real Estate is pretty cut thoart, target driven and you have to put in extra hours over and above the average 9-5 job to hit/exceed targets? I recently left an IT recruitment company because of sheer exhaustion (for me the impact of having developed and tried to deal with serious anxiety and panic whilst at work) and feeling totally burnt out. I've been in the field for 10 years+ and often went through periods of absolute exhaustion.
I would highly recommend a good break. When I was at work, a week never felt like enough because it normally takes a week to wind down and then the 2nd week is your relax time. Saying that, there never seemed to be the 'right time' to go away in recruitment, but next time I will be much much stricter because working too hard I'm sure caused many of my issues now.
hope you get the break I am sure you deserve!

13-01-07, 08:49
Hi Melina
Luckily I work for a developer only selling land so the hours are pretty good and in my office we work well together so it's not cut throat like most other places.
The problem lies in the fact that the commissions are VERY good and when I take time off I worry about how much money I'm missing out on.
I got into RE after I developed anxiety and it's been a real blessing in saving my sanity. Problem is it's become my life.
talked to my Dr this morning and she said to take a holiday SOON so I guess I'll just have to

Don't believe everything you think.