View Full Version : Hello all

10-01-15, 14:02

Just found this forum after searching about long term effects escitalopram. I've been anxious/OCD and depressed since I've been 16. I've been medicated since 2010 and decided recently to try and come off my meds (10mg escitalpram, used to be 20mg) as I'm hoping to move to Asia for a few years and unsure if it's available there. Also found that I'm becoming depersonalised and sometimes downright rude to people without meaning to be, like my appropriate conversation filter has been removed. More worryingly my sex drive has gone crazy out of the blue and need it immediately which obviously my wife isn't always in the mood. Coupled with this I struggle to find pleasure in things even though I know they should give me a sense of fun / well being.

I'm Down to 5 mg now and it's not going overly well, I didn't realise but the pills also have a painkilling side effect to them which has masked an issue with arthritus and back pain I've suffered with for years, needless to say the pain is coming back. I would love to get back to a resemblance of life without the pills as I feel like a shell at the moment.

I suffer still with the low periods and sometimes chronic OCD which stops me working and although not as bad still suffer when on the pills. I've done some cbt therapy which helps but for whatever reason haven't kept up with treatment and mindfulness at home. It's almost like I know what to do but just don't do it.

At present I've been full of manful since Xmas which has really brought me down, I'm coping just not overly well. I've got a beautiful daughter who I've helped look after since she was born as me and the wife both work part time alternately so we are both looking after her. Some days I really have to mask my depression as I don't want to let me daughter know something's up. I really struggle and just want to curl up in a ball.

The reason for wanting to live abroad is that we both spent sometime backpacking there. We both loved the place/weather and my illness really took a backfoot in my life and I've never been happier or felt more free. I'm hoping to find that feeling again and also find a better life for my family in the process.

It does feel carthartic (spelling?) writing this down, when I try to explain to loved ones who don't suffer I really struggle and probably mask how bad I really am.

I hope this makes sense to people on here as I'm sure others may be able to relate to some of these issue,

Wishing you all well,


10-01-15, 14:07
Hiya Passiveplumber and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: