View Full Version : Itchy skin and lump in groin (lymphoma fears)

10-01-15, 14:07
I'm very itchy all the time. It's mostly at nights and mostly my inner knees but I can be itchy all over all of a sudden. Sometimes it comes with a rash sometimes it doesn't. I have scars all over my legs and sometimes on my tummy because of scratching all the time. I scratch until I bleed sometimes. It's been going on for about 4-5 years. I read somewhere that some lymphoma patients had itchiness like that years before their diagnosis.

I also felt swollen lymph node on my right groin. it's like a line of nodes and they are mobile and definitely more swollen than the left side.

I'm so scared I have lymphoma now. I'm also experiencing extreme fatigue, dizziness, weight loss, nausea, pain in abdomen and back.

Has anybody had this before? Anybody with severe itchiness and similar symptoms? Thanks in advance.

10-01-15, 15:06
Hey hun

I have had similar symptoms to the ones your describe. I have itching all over that is worse at night, have been tired, had nausea and aches and pains. I am worried about lymphoma as I can feel small bumps on the left of my neck, I had a nurse examine the though and said they are nothing to worry about - she thought what I could feel was just a vein!

You mentioned in another post you were recently in hospital for tests, if you did have something wrong surely they would have noticed something was up and done the relevant tests. I know you are worried sick and I know how HA works. Try and rationalise it if you can, if you had lymphoma they would have most likely picked up on it by now.

I know for a fact that anxiety can cause itching. I have experienced this a lot lately, the more I think about it too the worse it gets.

In the back of my mind I have a fear I have some sort of cancer, what feeds my fear is Googling and worrying so I am trying my best now to distract myself and not Google. It is so hard though, your advice about being mindful and really thinking about whatever task I am doing is good :)

Hope you feel better soon hun. Your itching sounds like perhaps an allergy to me. Do you get dry skin?


10-01-15, 15:10
It's been going on for about 4-5 years.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't not come and go nor does it stop once it starts. You would be very ill or gone by now if it were.

Positive thoughts

10-01-15, 15:42
Thank you for your replies. It is the itchiness that's been going on for 4-5 years. I couldn't stay away from google and read that it sometimes happens in lymphoma patients. I read comments like, "I've been itchy for years before my diagnosis".

They did blood tests and said everything is ok but I realized that my "eosinophil count" is 0.6 which is higher than normal (0.0-0.4). I googled what it is and found lymphoma and leukemia in causes.

I've never had allergies that's why it scares me a lot. I had dry skin before when I was severely anemic, now I have low ferritin but my skin doesn't feel dry. I was prescribed dermol but it's not helping at all.