View Full Version : Self harm problem #### may trigger

10-01-15, 15:47

Sorry for not posting for ages. I've been on a rollercoaster that never seems to level out.

Right now, I've got a massive problem. I've had some bad experiences in a&e recently (well that's my perception which may not be reality???? Don`t know).

So when I cut a couple of days ago I didn't go there. I really needed stitches, it's a deep one. It's too late for them to do anything now but I'm panicking big time.

I've left smallish cuts before but this isn't anything like small. It's gonna take weeks to heal. And I'm terrified someone will find out. The chances are they will anyhow, I'm being mega careful with using just sterile stuff on it but the chances of it healing without any sort of infection have got to be low. Also, I can't lie so my care coordinator could work out what's going on.

I don't even know why I'm panicking, it's not as if they're going to send me to a & e now. I don`t even know why I'm posting, maybe someone's been here before I guess?

Thanks for reading anyhow

11-01-15, 06:57
Sorry to hear about this.

I really think you need to tell someone about this and very some form of medical attention.

I don't have any advice to offer as I've never self harmed but I'm concerned for you so wanted to bump this thread.

I don't know whether there are any solutions outside of A&E but hopefully someone else will know.

11-01-15, 21:40
Thanks for your concern Terry. I doubt they'll stitch it now as it'll have started to heal. You're right though I do need to tell someone. There maybe a better way of dressing it to mine, it keeps bleeding when I knock it. I'm seeing my care coordinator tomorrow. I'll try to mention it to her.

Thanks, for helping me think in a more logical way.