View Full Version : Skin cancer fears

10-01-15, 16:40
Here I am again with the latest worry. This time it's skin cancer.

I have a large freckle (or cluster of freckles?)on my forearm . It's a light brown colour has been there at least six years and is a strange shape (like a map of Africa!). A few months ago, in late summer, I thought it might have changed shape a little round the edges or got slightly bigger. I'm not all that certain to be truthful as it's not a drastic thing.

My common sense tells me that it's just more freckles joining in after the summer. The devil on my shoulder says melanoma. It doesn't seem to have changed much since I first noticed the changes. It doesn't itch, bleed etc.

To stop me from googling, can anyone tell me whether a melanoma would change more obviously and quickly. I'm starting to get in a panic again.:mad:

10-01-15, 22:17
I was convinced 3 of my moles were changing, got referred to the clinic, all completely fine. One of them even had a bit of black in but it was from trauma the Dr said.

You don't have any obvious symptoms of it but if it upsets you, sure the GP will check it for you. I think it would change more obviously.

Feel better soon x

11-01-15, 01:01
As with Hopefulmi, I was concerned about a couple of my moles. In Australia, skin cancer affects a lot of people because the sun prettymuch hates us, haha, so I thought I better get them checked out. The dermatologist said all were fine, and told me they could be removed for 'cosmetic' purposes, but that there was nothing to indicate cancerous or pre-cancerous conditions. If you are really concerned, visit your GP and ask them to have a look. Most GPs can identify 'problem' or 'unusual' moles and can direct you from there :)

30-05-15, 14:43
I'm worrying again about this thing on my arm. I wouldn't say it's a mole, more like a big freckle with some others nearby. See first post for better description

I have grown quite freckley as I've got older (I'm 57). But I keep thinking it has changed shape or grown. Could it just be an age spot? If it was skin cancer, would it change drastically? Would it be obvious?

It doesn't itch, bleed, change color etc. I'm really worried and wondered if anyone can help?

30-05-15, 15:03
I'm really worried and wondered if anyone can help?

Here's the thing. No one can tell you if it's sinister or not. Only a trained medical professional can do that. Reassurance can work for a short time but the fact is, with HA, you'll begin to worry again or find something else to worry about. Of the tens of thousands of fears posted here, only a infinitesimal number are anything to be concerned with. The key is treating the real illness so you don't continue to fall into the same pattern of worry with every niggle you feel or notice.

Positive thoughts

30-05-15, 15:20
Thanks Fishmanpa. Believe me I have tried everything to treat the anxiety. Counselling, cbt medication, giving myself a good talking-to. Etc etc. It subsides for a while but always comes back. I think I am a lost cause.

02-06-15, 13:46
I'm in the same boat. Just came from the dermatologist yesterday, where she removed something similar on my leg. A weird cluster of freckles that sort of had light color holding it all together. She took it off because it was "asymmetrical" and now I'm waiting for the results. It's freaking nerve wracking waiting for results, but I guess it's better than sitting and wondering if I should go to the doctor. You will likely have it checked and they will say "It's nothing, no worries" and send you on your way. Have you ever had a full body skin check? Humiliating and humbling, but quite effective and great prevention.