View Full Version : New worry... Another blip :(

10-01-15, 18:40
Over the last few days I've had what I assume to be a swollen lymph node under my jaw. Been ignoring it thinking probably a mild cold caused it.
I've had no sore throat or any other symptoms develop but the lymph node is even more swollen today and is very uncomfortable .
As I said I've been really good but now I'm panicking because it's getting worse rather than better...
I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday anyway so will wait until then and hope it's improved so I don't have to give her yet another 'something wrong with me' story.
I've been doing so much better lately, am annoyed that I'm letting this get to me. Am so completely worn out from this :(

10-01-15, 18:44
Hi yogi, I've had this many times, sometimes because I have a mouth ulcer, and sometimes for no reason, it normally goes down on its own, I wouldn't worry about it, its likely to dissapear in a few days, try not to prod and poke it, it will make it worse xx

10-01-15, 18:45
Thanks Herbie... I may have been prodding a bit lol xx

10-01-15, 18:48
Theres your answer then, we are our own worst enemys, try to relax and enjoy your evening and stop poking haha xxx

10-01-15, 20:33
Theres your answer then, we are our own worst enemys, try to relax and enjoy your evening and stop poking haha xxx

So true! Caught myself walking around the supermarket prodding my neck!! :roflmao:
What a weirdo!
Having a glass of wine and tying to chill now.. Thanks again xx

11-01-15, 14:24
So I'm succeeding in worrying less about neck lump. I have replaced it with something else (idiot!)
Have had what I can only describe as discomfort like something is stuck just to left of bellybutton. Been ignoring thinking constipation/trapped wind. But now this morning I have woken up with pain there which is the whole of my left side too, even around the back... Of course it's Sunday and I'm not going to bother out of hours doctors so stuck worrying about it all day....
Am still going to carry on trying not to worry and see what happens but with this and the neck lump I'm forming quite a list for my doctor on Wednesday!!

11-01-15, 17:51
Um, just a snippet of info that might help you, my doc said it's quite common to feel pain on the left of your belly, because it's where the descending colon is, things are a little more solid by the time it gets there, so if you are constipated you are more likely to notice pain on that side. Stretch out your belly by lying flat on your back on the floor, or do a bit of yoga, it might help ease the pain... it'll probably be gone by tomorrow. :)

11-01-15, 20:43
Thanks Mindknot... That's what I suspected but it's very hard not to worry when it's been there a few days and getting worse rather than better.
Off to lie on the floor and do some yoga stretches!
More fruit and veg tomorrow and lots of water and hope it goes on its own xx

12-01-15, 22:56
Well if this pain is just constipation I'm in for the mother of all poops! Felt like it was getting better today but since eating this evening it's even worse than yesterday :(
Trying hard not to worry but counting down to Wednesday and my doctors appointment!!
At least it's distracting me from my lymph node...