View Full Version : Slow, weak pulse and feeling faint

10-01-07, 11:26
I usually have trouble with racing pulse but today it's the opposite problem. I felt a bit weak and faint and when I checked my pulse, it was 60 (I know that's normal, but for me it's slow) and very weak. I have been on a diet for two weeks now, could that be anything to do with it?

10-01-07, 14:55
It could be. Is it a healthy, well balanced diet? And are you drinking enough water? If the answer to either of these is no, then that is probably the cause of a slower pulse. It could also be that you are having less stimulants, if you have cut down on caffeine, processed foods etc. Hope this helps!

10-01-07, 18:10
Have you been eating enough too? A lack of sugar in the blood can cause people to feel faint and week. If you haven't been eating well then have some sugar like chocolate and fruit.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

10-01-07, 18:33
When you are on a diet - your body will react if you are taking food away and not replacing it with healthier foods.
Try to eat smaller meals more often during the day and see if that makes a difference.
A snack of a handful of nuts and a piece of fruit will give you a natural sugar boost and some protein and isn't high in calories.
Hope it helps!