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View Full Version : Please help. Worried about tingling in left elbow :(

11-01-15, 05:19
Hello everyone,

I'm so afraid I'm going to have a heart attack. I feel this tingly spikey feeling in my left elbow. :(

I also had the same tingle it felt like it was on my head right above my ear, but it went away. :( I'm so scared I'm about to have a heart attack...I took an iron pill around 7, could that give me a heart attack? Please help. :(

11-01-15, 10:20
I'm no expert but sounds anxiety related to me. Try to keep calm ( not easy i know) i see this was posted a few hours ago, how are you feeling now?

11-01-15, 15:26
Hello Pinky, thank you for the support.
I slept and now I don't feel that anymore, I'm worried it was related to the iron pill I took earlier. :(