View Full Version : small white spot on back of tongue

11-01-15, 07:52
I noticed that I had this small white spot at the very back of my tongue a few months ago. I decided it was probably just a taste bud or something so I stopped worrying about it. Something reminded me about it this week so i checked and it's still there :( I think it may be a little smaller than It was but I can't be sure. I do bite the back of my tongue in my sleep at times making it sore but I don't think that has happened lately. Now im freaking out about oral cancer. I am a 37 year old, non smoker. I do drink but not that heavily and I am 7 months pregnant so haven't been drinking at all since summer. I had a dental check at the start of last year, now I am scared to go for another one In case they tell me I have oral cancer :(

11-01-15, 09:33
Hi Cattia

I understand how scary it is finding things in your mouth, I worry about oral cancer a lot - I have impacted wisdom teeth and sometimes it causes lumps and sores in my mouth and every time I find something new I freak out :(

It must be worrying especially as your are pregnant, but the likelihood is that it is just from where you have been biting you tongue. I have big white bumps on the back of my tongue, no clue what they are but always had them. Sometimes when we are worrying about things we notice things more if that makes sense? The more we focus on things the worse they are.

If anything was seriously wrong the chances are you would have other symptoms too, or it would have been picked up on by now.

If you are still worried ask your GP about it or the dentist. I know what you mean about the fear of going, I suffer with HUGE fears over medical appointments/tests/scans... going for a smear on Tuesday and I know I am going to go to pieces cause I am scared of what they will 'find'.

Hope this helps. Really do understand your worry, but try and rationalise it if you can and keep thinking to yourself 'if something was really wrong, I would most likely have other symptoms and they would have most likely picked up on it by now'


11-01-15, 17:53
Thank you snowflake. I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and take another trip to the dentist even though I am really scared. I have other white sports that look similar but these are just taste buds, the reason this one is freaking me out is because it's on its own away from other taste buds so it's more like a spot.