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11-01-15, 12:27
Hi all, hope you are well.

I think I have suffered mild anxiety my whole life, very much dependent on circumstances. This may sound stupid but I didn't really know what it was, in terms of medical diagnosis, and am only just really figuring it all out at the ripe old age of 31.

Before it would come and go, generally I could manage by simply withdrawing from social situations when it all got too much and taking some time out.

However a few months ago I started a new job and this has really smashed me into the ground. I am now doing a much longer commute (90 mins each way vs 40 before). Coupled with this it is a much more intense working environment and I am struggling. I think I made a big mistake, moving for a bit more money, and am constantly beating myself up over it. 4 months ago I was happy and now I am miserable and anxious.

The main delights I am suffering from now are:

Sleep problems: I am so jealous of people that just sleep. What a wonderful life they must live. I go to bed, always wake up after a few hours, sometimes I can get back to sleep more often not. My mind is literally whizzing with job worries, from one thing to the next. Of course this creates a cycle of me being shattered, and then less productive then more worried.

Social withdrawal: I was supposed to be going to a friend’s birthday this weekend, but didn't do as I really wanted to not see people and try and recharge myself. Of course with the bad sleep though I am still feeling completely spaced out. I know you are supposed to not withdraw but I just can’t face people, even good friends of mine.

Physical: Chest feeling tight, dizzy sometimes. I also had an infection cold in December and it is still affecting me, I think the lack of sleep and worry just isn't giving me any proper recovery time.

Anyway, hoping to meet some nice, cool, friendly people who we can all help each other out.

11-01-15, 12:32
Hiya davidos-UK and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

11-01-15, 20:40
Hey, David.

I agree with you on the sleep thing. My bro-in-law must be half cat, as he can just shut his eyes at any time of the day and boom, he's asleep. Odd the things we find ourselves being envious of.

In a bid to to try and calm my mental maelstrom, I am starting that Headspace thing from tomorrow. If anything, it will be interesting to see if I can hold a single thought for more than a nano-second.

11-01-15, 23:10
Hi there,

Changing jobs can really turn things upside down and it can be really hard to settle in, even without a long commute. You've gone from a job which you were good at, knew exactly what to do and were part of the team to being the newby where everything's strange and unfamiliar. It can be really unsettling and cause you to be much more anxious.

I know this is easier said than done but try not to dwell on thinking you've made a mistake and focus instead on the positives. You're progressing your career and it can be good to push yourself now and then. Give yourself a timescale and some goals to work towards. If things still aren't right after that, you can always start to look for another job. Nothing's permanent and there will be plenty of opportunities out there.

As for your anxiety, have you had any help? As a start, you could try an online CBT course to help you to identify your thought process and how to recognise when you're getting caught in a cycle of anxiety (try CBT4Panic). A chat with your GP can often be a good idea too. This doesn't have to mean medication but that is always an option, maybe just to help you through the next few months. You can talk through various options and make a decision together. There's lots of support available here and members are more than happy to share their experiences.

The symptoms you're describing are typical of anxiety and it's the cause you need to focus on. In the shorter term, you need to get the physical symptoms under control or you'll end up exhausted. This is also something you could discuss with your GP. There are also some short-term OTC sleep aids which may help but they really are short term. Phenergan is a good one but you need to talk to a pharmacist to get them and, of course, it may not be right for you. It really knocks me out though.

Ultimately, it's your change of circumstances which is really throwing you, as it would most of us, and I completely sympathise. Give yourself a bit more time to settle and then make a change if it's still not working. Most importantly, remember that you're not alone and we're here to help.

Good luck and take care


P.S. Here's a thread about CBT4Panic and details of how to access it. It's free and may well help. Worth a try?


12-01-15, 20:17
Thanks all for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it.

JMA: I would give anything to be a good sleeper, it's a gift! I am even jealous of my dog.

Pipkin: No I have not been to my GP about anxiety, again with the commute it's difficult to swing doctors appointments. I know I have to face up to it though. I will definitely give the on-line course a go, thanks so much.

I have found OTC sleeping tabs do nothing for me. Antihistamines make me feel really drowsy the next day. I have had prescription (zopiclone) in the past which I found really good. I understand doctors are reluctant to give this out now though.

12-01-15, 20:40

I'm new to this as well! But your situation sounds so similar to mine! I can completely relate to it! My anxiety and stress always comes up worse when I start a new job.
In the last year ive started and quit jobs after 3 days of starting.

The two jobs I have stuck at were both temporary roles, I think I was able to handle them as I could see an "easy way out" if needed.

I started a new job last week (6th Jan) as the money was better and the job is permanent, but my anxiety has been worse than ever. I cry all day every day, cant sleep, feeling sick, cant eat in mornings, struggle to breathe, and I reject socialising.

I don't feel like myself, I continue to think about my last temp job and miss the people there and the work, and wish I had stayed.

It would be great to meet others who are in the same situation too!