View Full Version : dental anxiety

11-01-15, 14:32
Hi I suffer from very bad anxiety with regard to the dentist ..2 years ago i went and had unavoidable work done seemed ok. Was told i had servere gum disease from not going to the dentist. I knew that but i have really improved things by using some investigation on the net ive used stuff to improve things. Not though i have a small gap thats formed in my front teeth...its small but its noticable im getting food stuck in it...im 40 and its worrying me. Im terrified of tooth loss or is it normal for teeth to shift im getting myself all worked up into this anxiety state .

Dan Wales
11-01-15, 15:26
Hi I have an anxiety with the dentist too. I believe teeth shift in our mouths as we age. You should make an appointment to see a dentist to put your mind at rest.

11-01-15, 17:01
Hi Dan thanks for your reply. Making an appointment is half the battle. ..i find it so hard to go and them tell me something terrible its a front tooth too. Im not sure when this happened in the last 2 wks id say.

Dan Wales
11-01-15, 17:49
When I go to the dentist I ask some one to come with me. May be you could ask some one to go with you.

11-01-15, 19:50
I dont ever take anyone with me .... i hate going and hearing all the things that are wrong...and id feel ashamed if someone went with me. Thankyou though im glad it works for you.