View Full Version : Sinus/Allergy issues, anyone can offer advice?

11-01-15, 15:10

As some of you know I'm experiencing issues over worrying about Leukemia at the minute.

It's not been helped by the fact I've started working in an infant school and picked up a few bugs since I've started.

Having said that the reason I am posting is because I'm not sure if I'm getting colds or it's possibly allergies.

I have been referred to and ENT because I constantly seem to have fluid behind my ears, popping ears etc but in December I woke up one morning and one side of my nose was runny. This carried on for most of the day and into the next day, the whole cheek area and eye on that side felt swollen. It carried on for a couple of days and then went. It never affected the other side, had no sore throat/cough or other cold symptoms felt ok in myself and sudafed seemed to really help.

Now I've had a dry scratchy throat for a few days but I also suffer from Acid reflux which has been very bad of late and stupidly I haven't been taking my tablets, so I took my tablet yesterday and this morning and my throat is fine again but once again on the same side, my nose just feels irritated/inflamed I keep having to blow it and occasionally that side of my nose starts to sting/tingle and it makes me sneeze and again the cheek/eye area feels swollen.

I'm just wondering if this is a cold or could be connected to allergies/sinus issues?

I have really bad hayfever, I'm allergic to cats and the doctor also said the inside of my nose is constantly swollen which she thinks is due to allergies and I plan to mention this to the ENT.

I was just thinking wouldn't a cold affect both nasal passages and once again I have no other cold symptoms, not achey, don't feel unwell like when you have a cold so I'm now starting to think it might not be colds but and inflamed sinus or something else.

Just wondered if anyone with allergy/sinus issues has had any experience like this or can offer any advice?


11-01-15, 16:19
I have chronic allergy and sinus issues as well and I do struggle sometimes to be able to tell if it's my sinus and allergy or a cold. I will say I have had a cold that only affected one side! But usually the kicker for me to determine which is bothering me is if I take an anti-histamine. I take xyzal daily, but if I take a benedryl and I totally dry up, I know it is my allergies and not a cold. Usually anti-histamines don't help my colds.

Everybody is different though.

I have had experiences with both colds and my allergies where one side feels totally full and the other not so bad. I think it is just hallmark of sinus issues that this can happen because your sinuses are more swollen anyway, so any congestion - be it from allergies or a cold - will get backed up. I use flonase as a nose spray and it helps a little with the sinus inflammation .. it's a nasal steroid. I also use a neti-pot and saline if it gets bad.

I'm getting allergy shots right now as a last ditch effort to manage this before resorting to a balloon sinus procedure ... I'm hoping the allergy shots help enough that I don't need that.

I hope you feel better and wish I could be of more help!

11-01-15, 17:17

As some of you know I'm experiencing issues over worrying about Leukemia at the minute.

It's not been helped by the fact I've started working in an infant school and picked up a few bugs since I've started.

Having said that the reason I am posting is because I'm not sure if I'm getting colds or it's possibly allergies.

I have been referred to and ENT because I constantly seem to have fluid behind my ears, popping ears etc but in December I woke up one morning and one side of my nose was runny. This carried on for most of the day and into the next day, the whole cheek area and eye on that side felt swollen. It carried on for a couple of days and then went. It never affected the other side, had no sore throat/cough or other cold symptoms felt ok in myself and sudafed seemed to really help.

Now I've had a dry scratchy throat for a few days but I also suffer from Acid reflux which has been very bad of late and stupidly I haven't been taking my tablets, so I took my tablet yesterday and this morning and my throat is fine again but once again on the same side, my nose just feels irritated/inflamed I keep having to blow it and occasionally that side of my nose starts to sting/tingle and it makes me sneeze and again the cheek/eye area feels swollen.

I'm just wondering if this is a cold or could be connected to allergies/sinus issues?

I have really bad hayfever, I'm allergic to cats and the doctor also said the inside of my nose is constantly swollen which she thinks is due to allergies and I plan to mention this to the ENT.

I was just thinking wouldn't a cold affect both nasal passages and once again I have no other cold symptoms, not achey, don't feel unwell like when you have a cold so I'm now starting to think it might not be colds but and inflamed sinus or something else.

Just wondered if anyone with allergy/sinus issues has had any experience like this or can offer any advice?


I have had all these symptoms! As well as this I have been having blood on and off when I blow my nose.

I have nasal polyps, asthma and dust allergies which make it worse. I find cold weather combined with central heating makes it loads worse (hence the bleeding)

I find saline nasal spray really helps me especially when my nose and sinuses are dry.

I have had popping/cracking ears since before xmas and most mornings I wake up with one/both ears/nostrils blocked or a steaming nose/one nostril.

I was really scared at first, but I am much more relaxed over it now as I saw the Dr and she said its nothing to worry about.

Symptoms like this can be scary, but it sounds like you are just like me and I am ok so far :)


11-01-15, 17:52
Thank you for the replies guys.

swlgrl09 that's a good idea never thought of taking an anti histamine, will try that if it happens again.

Snowflake it does sound like were are pretty much identical, I too get the bleeding. In fact that was what first led me to the doctors about these issues nearly two years ago. Thats when they said the inside of my nose was very inflamed/swollen and they gave me anti histamines, cream and other stuff, none of which seems to help, what with the ear thing as well they have now referred me to ENT which I'm quite pleased about as I'm sure there is something going on to cause these never ending symptoms.

Just wish I could stop worring about this Leukemia thing. I read that if you worry about catching colds and things you are more likely to catch them, add that to the fact I've started working in a infant school, am constantly stressing there's something with my immune system and it's really not a good combination.

Mind you I also read people with allergies are more prone to cold viruses because their noses tend to be drier and the viruses find it easier to find a way in, so suppose I can't win really!

thanks for replying :)