View Full Version : here we go again

11-01-15, 16:58
well i thought after the reassurance from a gastro consultant id learnt to accept my issues with my stomach and BM's

however ive now noticed on top of my stomach ache..back ache..and loose stools..there is what seems to be a translucent sheen on top of the water after a BM (sorry for the info)

stupidly i googled this which pointed towards not digesting fats...which led onto pancreatic cancer again...my nemesis.

this has once again gripped my life and is making me anxious and fearful.

the consultant looked at my bloods..ultrasound and also gave me a thorough checkover and was adamant there was nothing wrong.

ive also managed to put on arounf half a stone since my appt in october....but this is now freaking me out...he told me that he could perform a ct scan however he felt that the risk involved outweighed the fact he thought nothing was wrong.

does anybody else notice this swirly sort of grease layer after bm's ...as its really worrying me

12-01-15, 10:10
is it mucous? A bit like snot? I have that sometimes and my bms are always loose. Its fairly common.

12-01-15, 10:45
No I have that also...this is a almost see through sheen on top of water...kind of like oil on water...

12-01-15, 13:45
I have had this exact scenario the past week. It is like you are writing my life. Rang the doc in blind panic. Anyway, this sheen seems to be common with loose bowels. I paid for a private ultrasound which was clear and bloods were fine but still got the back pain at the top and middle of back. Gone back on citalopram but it's only day 8.

Please know I'm in the same place and just get in touch if you need to talk.

12-01-15, 15:46
Thanks for that, mine isn't that noticeable, I have to look quite closely
however any literature tells you this is a sign of not digesting fats..promoting a problem with your pancreas
my HA is ruining mine and my families life now

12-01-15, 16:16
I had to look closely too but you constantly inspect with HA don't you? Do you know, when I was freaking out, I found this website, ratemypoo and it helped me realise how normal I was while disgusting me a lot haha.
I have an NHS ultrasound on Jan 26th and I'll still be freaking out then.
It is probably less to do with your pancreas and more the fact that your digestive system isn't getting a chance to digest properly because of anxiety. Can also be a sign of celiac disease or chron's disease which are still more likely than PC but it really is an anxiety thing x

12-01-15, 18:16
Same here, apart from what you described as oil on water. I have very loose stools, have diarrhea a lot. I'm super nauseous and vomited once on Saturday. I was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday due to abdominal and back pain. They ran blood tests and did an ultrasound. I specifically asked the lady who performed the ultrasound if she could see the pancreas clearly, she said I'm very slim so she can see it clearly, I'm 7 stone. If your doctor said nothing's wrong, believe him. If you had panreatic cancer you would also be jaundiced.

12-01-15, 18:36
I found this website, ratemypoo and it helped me realise how normal I was while disgusting me a lot haha.

No Way!!!! OMG!... It's like "Hot or Not" and "People of Walmart for Poo rolled into one! :roflmao: I can't even begin to tell you how disturbingly funny that is!

Positive thoughts and poo threads

12-01-15, 19:21
No Way!!!! OMG!... It's like "Hot or Not" and "People of Walmart for Poo rolled into one! :roflmao: I can't even begin to tell you how disturbingly funny that is!

Positive thoughts and poo threads

Lol. The stuff we have to do to get through the day!

13-01-15, 01:33
This has been going on since June last year....I've had bloods..stool sample and ultrasound...all ok
other than a comment the lady doing the ultrasound made about how tall am I as my spleen looked big, when I questioned it she said it was expected for my height and build

What has me freaking g out now is this geeSe film..although I'm not losing any noticeable weight...in fact I've put it on over the last month or so

14-01-15, 10:59
Well just got back from my gp...she didn't seem concerned, also didn't seem to think there was anything sinister based on my notes, tests and the fact since last year I haven't lost any weight in fact..put a little bit on

Now....I just need to try and believe her and live a normal life....

15-01-15, 08:48
It happened to me again today….no floating and it was brown but freaking out again :(

15-01-15, 15:05
As silly as it sounds I've upped my fibre intake which whilst early days seems to have helped me have formed bm's that sink.....I've also been given omeprazole to see if that helps with the bloating and abdominal aches
try upping your fibre or take some fybrogel see if it helps

15-01-15, 20:08
It wasn't floating. But the plot thickens….I think the sheen is coming from my wee….Just had a big wee and it was there.

I can cope with that!