View Full Version : Eye test/brain tumour fear

11-01-15, 20:03
I know I must sound daft, but I have an eye test tomorrow (haven't had one in near in 4 years). And I am so nervous that they will see pressure behind my eyes and send me up the hospital with possibility of brain tumour!
Literally can't get it out of my head.

11-01-15, 20:08
I have a test tomorrow for blurred vision in one eye. I am terrified of the same thing that you are right now.

11-01-15, 20:11
It's so scary isn't it, I had tried to put it to the back of my mind but now it's tomorrow I've for this knot in my tummy. Fingers crossed we both get good news

11-01-15, 20:16
My last eye test was about 5 years ago and I haven't had one since due to the same fear! Funny how our minds work isn't it, I know I need my eyes testing though cause my eye sight is slightly off and have to squint my eyes to see some words. But then I think about what if they find a tumour.... You'll be fine though

11-01-15, 20:21
That's exactly why I haven't been for 4 years either, such a scary thought. Can't believe I've actually booked it. I am also a dentist avoider too but conquered that this week. But the thought of them finding a tumour fills me with such fear, but then I guess I would rather know than not ��

11-01-15, 20:52
Hear hear, imagine worst case scenario, you don't go because you are scared they will find brain tumour and then in the future you were diagnosed with one and they said, shame you didn't go opticians so they could send you for treatment.
But I'm sure they want find anything bad, but always best to have health checks that can detect problems.

11-01-15, 21:07
I always have this fear when I go for an eye test, I'm literally shaking with nerves when I go in!

11-01-15, 21:16
I totally relate, and feared this so much that I avoided going to the opticians for 18 years!!

Over the years, I had migraines, noticed the TV was blurry etc and used that as 'evidence' that I did indeed have a brain tumour. I would tell my mum I couldn't face going as I didnt want to hear the news and be rushed to hospital, although she offered to take me and sit with me many times.

Eventually last summer I forced myself to go as the fear of this brain tumour actually killing me became stronger than the fear of just knowing about it.

Through the appointment I was breathless, crying (and we had to keep stopping because of this), I kept asking her if she'd found something wrong etc... - it must have sounded SO weird to the other people in there lol

Turns out I was very slightly short sighted and now have to wear glasses occasionally for the cinema or theatre. I rarely even need to wear them, and the blurred vision has gone away.

So, long story short - just go!! Don't think about it and go, health anxiety can warp our thoughts.

11-01-15, 21:30
What made me worry more is someone said to me that in a photo I had done (on an iPhone in a night club, after a few wines) that I only had one red eye! Thing is I do have a lazy eye so in photos both my eyes aren't looking at the exact same place, it's not hugely noticeable to others though.

11-01-15, 21:39
One red eye in adults is not a cause for concern. It just means that your eyes are looking in a different direction, which is normal if you have a lazy eye (I have one too). There is a very rare form of cancer that ONLY affects children and is detected by the age of two, which can cause one red eye in photos. I know all about this as my three year old son had one red eye in some photos I took. I FREAKED OUT and rushed to the Dr who checked him out, and he told me that if he had this condition it would have been detected well before three and a half (usually in eye tests in early childhood) and that this is not a concern for older children or adults so you really don't need to worry.

11-01-15, 21:44
Goodness you must have been terrified, but so glad that it wasn't anything to worry about. Thank you that really has reassured me, I hadn't ever even noticed it before it was someone who pointed it out so it sent me in to panic mode. Was even taking photos at differant angles just to see haha!
I will be so glad when the appointment is over. Thanks again

11-01-15, 23:46
I had an eye test about a week ago and was in a right old state for exactly the same reason. I convinced myself they would find either glaucoma or a brain tumour. I lost sleep over it and on the morning of the actual eye test could hardly eat any breakfast through fear. I was shaking waiting to be called for the test... literally could feel trembling inside. I actually told the optician I was terrified because I was scared I might break down. Luckily I didn't.

He did the exam and said I basically had 20:20 vision with my glasses. As the exam wore on I felt better then at the very end he said ok last check just to check the health of your eyes. There was no escape at that point and I sat there thinking this is it....this is where i get the Bad News.

Everything was fine. No problems.

My only advice is to go. I feel so relieved is done now.

I think sometimes we know too much. I confided in a pal about how terrified I was before the test. .... She didn't even have the slightest idea they could see evidence or brain problems in an eye test. To be honest,neither did I till I started suffering from anxiety and turning to Dr Google.

12-01-15, 13:11
I did it : )
I was the biggest nervous shaking wreck but I got through it and all is absaloutely fine. So glad I went now

12-01-15, 16:21
Yay - great news. It's a brilliant feeling when you've got it over and done with and all was well :)