View Full Version : Healthy minds

11-01-15, 20:23
Evening all

I'm starting something called healthy minds in Tuesday evening

I have no IDEa what to expect, anyone ever been and can give me some insight on what to expect??

This is a group thing and I'm not just goig to be the only one, I guess I'm nervous about being around so many people, don't do well with new people it makes me very anxious and nervous, I know everyone else there is going to be in the same boat as me

12-01-15, 07:38
I haven't been to group therapy sessions but I have attended loads of walk in meetings. Everyone feels the same about it, its the uncertainty and his others will think about you. The reality is that they are all going through similar things and will be thinking the same.

I would imagine it will start with some brief round of names and a discussion about what will be happening throughout the course. So, the first meeting might be more about education.

Give it a try, it could help. I found meetings different to online as you can spend more time talking with others in a faster way than you can online but it took me a few meetings to get more comfortable with the format of it being face to face.