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View Full Version : Is it normal to be scared of the actual state like me ?

11-01-15, 21:25
Hello everyone , I am a 21 year old guy and I posted a few days my story and after 6 months of denying it's anxiety and searching for diseases I finally accepted that there is no other thing on this planet that I haven't checked. My dad is a doctor and now when I'm thinking clearly I realized that he tested every single thing possible to test regarding my health . I did all the heart checks possible , stomach , blood , irons/calcium/potasium everywhere I went - You are healthy as a horse and we are not wrong because misdiagnosing you will cost us our live , believe us when we tell you YOU are in no danger.
OK. But the problem is that my father tries to help and I've been to one therapist for 4 weeks and didn't solve much . They all think and try to convince me I have a deep thing hidden inside that is causing this . But I try to tell them that everything started suddenly and got worse and within a week I had CONSTANT physical symptoms that got worse with physical activity. I told them , that makes no sense , I am only terrified of the physical symptoms , that is what fuels my anxiety , I was the kind of guy who visited london by himself and back then I really had a heart problem ( not life threatning but still) and had no problem in going by myself or anything . I had a supraventricular tachycardia , and when it fired , I just sat down , massaged my vagus nerve and it stopped . I even got rid of that and the doc told me there isn't anything else there , and by the looks of my heart I could have lived with it with no problem , but my dad made sure and paid the 3000$ catheter ablation .
But 5 months ago I started having unexplained physical symptoms that where worse and worse . 80-90 heart rate while lying on my back , up to 180 in some cases when I got up and started to walk . Again blood pressure and oxygen saturation always fine . PAlpitations , severe , I admit now that one time i had this awareness of every heartbeat and my body was really shaking each time at they just stopped and I thought I went into cardiac arrest . And for a long time I had sheer terror of the palpitations . I did a stress test , went up to 200 running and the doc told me I didn't have A single Pvc or pac . I have sinus arrhythmia and when i am under 90 beats per minute it's annoying , its like : breathe in , beat beat beat breathe out ...pause BUMP beat beat
and I finally managed to stop getting scared by it . But i have others , sudden ringing in ears like someone shot a gun at my ear , a sensation like im loosing balance when I walk , dunno like I can't find my center of gravity , sweating , breathlessness ( I tested the breathlessness and figured I was hyperventilating) but not chronically . And I managed to do some progress . Now if I don't have symptoms and just stand in my chair I am ok , but the moment I do a movement or start walking by myself especially - lack of breath , Insanely high heart rate , dizziness , chest pains , lump in throat and stomach , the slow heart rate palpitations turn into flutters and I feel like someone is waving with a feather in my thoat and heart and it's Humanly impossible for me to say '''nah , it's just anxiety'' For god sake I'm terrified by plane flights and I have a plane in 3 days and that isn't even scaring me anymore , I'm scared of just falling dead on the street or in the plane because of these god damn symptoms that everyone keeps telling me they are caused by my anxiety , and I try to tell them my anxiety is caused BY THEM , or that I don't have panic attacks like everyone describes them , Last time I had one I was watching tv , felt a tump , like my heart stopped , a strange feeling in my gut , my ears popped, blurry vision , and the adrenaline itself started to course through my veins like ice , The fear Itself came after the symptoms appeared because I don't have any other fear EXCEPT the one about the symptoms , and I can't seem to get over this crap , it's like I try to say to myself : u aren't real ! symptoms : eeeh... nope you are just an idiot , we are here as you can feel it and we are as real as we can be , if you keep ignoring us you will end up dead on the street from sudden cardiac arrest or something like that I don't know guys , did u ever have an anxiety like I do ? IT's like fearing the physical part of anxiety that never goes away , never . Even after a xanax or a beer I still have SOMETHING there , like the ringing in ears or something . palpitations are the worst but they seem to go away sometimes . Is this normal anxiety or should I still start a crusade in finding the unknown alien disease that affects me ? :))
Last thing : I am on xanax atm ,only taking them when I feel really bat but honestly they are crap because they act for 1-2-3 hours then i'm back at that state again , and regarding propranolol or other beta blockers , well I had a slightly high heart rate my whole life and who knows if I had it the same as now , but when I take them sometimes my palpitations aren't gone and I admit walking on the street with only 100 bpm is way better than 140+ but it gets me to under 60 beats per minute when I stand on the chair .

11-01-15, 22:17
ringing in your ear is tintinus !
i get ringing in my ear and my eyes flicker like a light flickering but its my eyesight iv been in hospital with tachycardi i have it where my heart beats in all diffrent patterns the thump is normal anxiety symtoms too and i think everybody gets them at some point it all sounds like anxiety !!
and the thoughts about dropping dead here there and everywhere snap !
sounds too much like anxiety hope you feel better soon hun !

11-01-15, 23:00
Your dad is a doctor? and you have all this....?wow

11-01-15, 23:24
What do you mean by that ? He has done everything he could have done to find out what's wrong and he explained to me that when stress and anxiety kicks in and starts developing ''that fight or flight '' response that most people talk about , medically speaking means that your nervous system , because it's in so much stress switches to the sympathetic side ( the one that stops your digestion , makes your heartrate fast , palpitations and so on ) and an anxiety attack is the peak of it. That shivering and muscle soreness after the anxiety attack is just the state when u used up all your adrenaline you had left and the body forces you into the exhaustion / repair , sleep , digestion , relaxation state. My problem is that most of the time i get the hyper one activated because of the constant fear of the symptoms and I can't manage to relax by myself . I'm asking if anyone has found a way to relax and cope with the symptoms not only with the '' it's in my head '' thing