View Full Version : muscle spasms/twitchs HELP

11-01-15, 21:49
prob doing everyone head in here but looking again to see if anybody suffers this in october i noticed my leg shakes by its self when on sat and have feet in tiptoe position .
i started having a breathing problem that i now found may be a spasm too .
i now have that started in right side of neck moved to left too then to my legs and chest my cheek does it when i smile now my tounges doing it and inside of my throat my nostrils even and feels my head doing it its the same as a eye twitch painless but you can see it i also have a bubble feeling from feet that moves up my leg im freaking i have had muscle twitching for years but never like this never in my tounge or head or throat this is almost constant too can this be anxiety ?

i have no panic attacks so no adrenline .
i also have horrible thoughts & symtoms thats it .
please if somebody could just help me see this may be anxiety

11-01-15, 22:26
Sounds like Anxiety to me. I have had twitches all over my body and once watched my vein jumping out of my head thinking it was going to pop out. And, you do not have to have a Panic Attack to have adrenaline. The adrenaline exists no matter what you are doing. I have also had what you call a 'bubble feeling that rushes from my feet to my knees and it is all Anxiety. Try walking around a bit when your muscles twitch, go for a walk even, just don't let it freak you out. It will pass, but make sure you don't let you Mind run away with you. Re-direct your thoughts to doing something else.

12-01-15, 10:02
Which one are to worried about? Generally when anxiety sufferers start getting twitches they worry about one of two illnesses. One of which doesn't even have such twitches as a symptom, and the other of which does, but only after the onset of some very obvious and disturbing symptoms, which you wouldnt be umming and ahhing about on an anxiety forum.

In reality by far the most common cause of twitches is something called Benign Fasciculation Syndrome. This is the twitching that is seen in anxiety sufferers (though it can also appear in other circumstahces); it's entirely benign in nature, has never once turned into anything nasty, and never progresses. It is, however, pretty scary (especially if you have any of the other synptoms), and if you let it worry you it will completely and utterly **** with your head. Whilst a common illness it's not commonly diagnosed, because it requires a referral to a neurologist and EMG, and when it's so very obvious to a GP that you don't have a nasty neurological illness (even if you might have something benign and boring) many GPs won't refer.

I found this thread helpful.


12-01-15, 14:15
im worried about it all .
i cant stop twitching though i am not even anxiouse and its just happening constantly in my legs ect ,thankyou for your replys and thankyou for the link i will have a look at it :)
the thing is the muscle twitches in my throat are affecting my breathing all a sudden i have like a grunt but its inside like i dont acually make the nose so when it happens i cant suck in any air its scary as anything .
though i dont get panic attacks would any of you be able to help me with these wuestions as there some my doctors havent answered and you only get a 10 minute appointment and aloud to ask one question dont know when this rule came in but its stupid and nobody explained it to me
can you have anxiety symtoms without a panic attack ?
can you get the symtoms without a adrenalin ?
are anxiouse thought i.e : my breathing feels funny i will go into day dreams ect about how and whats going to happen is this still anxiety or another problem ?
can your heart go normal speed during a panic attack or does it have to be racing ?

12-01-15, 14:35
This is my opinion only, but there are two basic versions of anxiety. The first is the stereotypical panic, characterised by constant outpouring of worry, panic attacks and the rest of it. The other is where people are more introverted, perhaps don't feel able tonshare their worries with loved ones, have visible panic attacks, etc. Thesd people are more likely to suffer the somatix synptoms of anxiety, and other things like BFS.

Have I ever had a panic attack? Yes, twice. Once after a serious assault in the back of an ambulance and once in another similar situation. Both of these were years ago, and in both instances most people would react similarly. Since I've had "anxiety" issues have I had a panic attack? No.

12-01-15, 16:13
thankyou :)
iv had so many panic attacks but they just stopped and im left with physcical symtoms and thoughts so thankyou so much made a very good understanding of it and hopefully it will help me get back on track because i had lack of understanding

12-01-15, 19:54
That was well explained Serenity1990, I couldn't have answered it any better. Sorry to hear of your bad experience. You sound a very strong person and have managed to come through it.

Stars 22, I am in a similar position to you. I used to have a lot of Panic Attacks and now I suffer with mainly the Anxiety symptoms. They can at times Panic you in to thinking a 'Panic Attack' is about to happen, but it doesn't normally arise to that. The best thing to do is to distract yourself away from thinking anything bad is going to happen, keep busy and calm and let them ride over you. Exercise and lots of fruit and veg and Camomile Tea works wonders for lowering the symptoms too. The Fear is the worse thing, you have to control the Fear! Re-direct your thoughts, example; if you have pains in the chest, tell yourself it is indigestion and so on.

21-01-15, 23:49
Thank you it's still happening and I still not having panic attacks like everyday symptoms without panic but I do get the thoughts still I'm a lot better even my cbt worker said wow when I did the test and the score was low but I'm still convinced �� x