View Full Version : Anxiety from exercise

12-01-15, 02:58
Is anybody else having trouble with anxiety hours after exercising? I have no problem while I exercise, but the next 4-5 hours are a pain. My heart rate is high and I'm prone to panic attacks. I think it has to do with the adrenalin levels. I don't exert myself while exercising. Whatever I do, it takes hours to recover from it. Anybody else in my situation?

12-01-15, 17:36
Yes me I have a fear of exercise and have just been gym for first time and like you was really anxious before especially when she did bp and heart rate, were yours up before but fine during in fact I enjoyed it, now since being home feel really anxious horrid LOL not sure why, any ideas x

12-01-15, 19:10
i found when i used to goto the gym,I used to feel very anxious after for a few hrs.

12-01-15, 22:43
I just listened to a podcast about panic attacks today and they were saying that during a panic attack, the body reacts the same as with a real life threatening danger, as you probably know. This is when the sympathetic system is turned on. But, contrary to when a real danger is gone, following a panic attack, the parasympathetic system does not come in to calm down the body. That is why there is some residual anxiety for a long time after a panic attack.

I think that maybe, that's what happens after exercise. Since exercise releases a lot of adrenaline in the body (the same as during a panic attack), I guess that nothing comes in to calm down the system afterwards.

Anyways, it's just one among the many marvels of anxiety! :wacko: