View Full Version : Kidney worries

12-01-15, 07:07
Hello, first time poster, long time lurker. I'm a 20 year old male from Finland who would consider themselves generally healthy, despite the seasonally rampant hypochondria.

I've been having different types of stomach and flank pain for the past few weeks. The first pains I remember having was in my lower right back, a dull ache that seemed to intensify when I took a deep breath. After that I had a bit of a scare when I got very sharp pain on my lower right quadrant of my abdomen one night. This pain lasted for a few hours, undulating in intensity. This made me go to the doctors office. The doctor said there's nothing alarming about my symptoms but made me go have my urine sampled. From the urine, they found red blood cells (my urine isn't bright red or anything, but they did find microscopic hematuria).

This, of course, has made me all the more worried. Lately I've been having pain in my back, shifting from the middle of my back to the left and similar pain in my flank (sides, side of the stomach etc.). I've also noticed that sometimes when I urinate, the urine takes a while to get going, I sort of need to give it an extra little push for it to come out. This only happens seemingly randomly. I don't really use the bathroom more than normally (at least I don't think I do). I've also had somewhat of a constipation as of late which raises another plethora of fears and doubts in my mind. I haven't monitored my weight in a while, but I got on a scale today I seemed to have lost some weight from when I last weighed myself.

Googling my symptoms has made me extremely frightened of different cancers, at the moment mainly kidney cancer. Any idea what could be causing any of this? I'm planning on going to see a doctor again if my symptoms continue/I keep losing weight (going to monitor it during this week).

12-01-15, 09:47
Did you ask your doctor about kidney cancer? There are many things that cause a little microscopic blood in your urine..kidney cancer is one but there are many benign things.. as for the stomach pain ,could be gas.. or wind as the people in the UK call it. The back pain could be caused by lifting things or turning or twisting around and forgetting you did that.. the pain from kidney cancer is constant in the lower flank..doesnt quit..also the pain in the stomach is usually from a mass that is sticking out of your stomach or abdomen so I think you are pretty safe.. I know these symptoms well since I am suppose to have renal cell carcinoma.. classic symptoms of advanced.. rcc.. but I don't have any of those.. but what you are describing sure doesnt sound like what the symptoms are and also that is advanced stages.. also men at any age having prostate issues.. not anything sinister ,just prostate issues have things like delayed urination etc.. and what you describe when urinating and constipation has about a billion reasons other than cancer or something serious so think about it all ..and I would be willing to bet you that you are fine. no worries.. at all.. hope you feel better soon..take care

13-01-15, 14:06
Definitely not a constant pain, for example I had some pain in my back yesterday morning but haven't had any since. Going to give a control urine sample this week to see if I still have red blood cells in my urine. Thanks for your message though mnaha, it has made me more relaxed about my symptoms.

19-01-15, 12:31
Got my control test today, no red blood cells in my urine any more! I feel unbelievably relieved, at least for now. Hopefully I get no more pains or other odd sensations in my flank or back.

20-01-15, 05:57
You will be fine..if they tested your blood you can rest assured you are fine..no worries.. take care.

17-02-15, 11:17
Hello, first time poster, long time lurker. I'm a 20 year old male from Finland who would consider themselves generally healthy, despite the seasonally rampant hypochondria.

I've been having different types of stomach and flank pain for the past few weeks. The first pains I remember having was in my lower right back, a dull ache that seemed to intensify when I took a deep breath. After that I had a bit of a scare when I got very sharp pain on my lower right quadrant of my abdomen one night. This pain lasted for a few hours, undulating in intensity. This made me go to the doctors office. The doctor said there's nothing alarming about my symptoms but made me go have my urine sampled. From the urine, they found red blood cells (my urine isn't bright red or anything, but they did find microscopic hematuria).

This, of course, has made me all the more worried. Lately I've been having pain in my back, shifting from the middle of my back to the left and similar pain in my flank (sides, side of the stomach etc.). I've also noticed that sometimes when I urinate, the urine takes a while to get going, I sort of need to give it an extra little push for it to come out. This only happens seemingly randomly. I don't really use the bathroom more than normally (at least I don't think I do). I've also had somewhat of a constipation as of late which raises another plethora of fears and doubts in my mind. I haven't monitored my weight in a while, but I got on a scale today I seemed to have lost some weight from when I last weighed myself.

Googling my symptoms has made me extremely frightened of different cancers, at the moment mainly kidney cancer. Any idea what could be causing any of this? I'm planning on going to see a doctor again if my symptoms continue/I keep losing weight (going to monitor it during this week).

The treatment of kidney cancer depends on the size and spread of the cancer. Surgery is the most common first course of action, with the aim of removing the cancer cells.