View Full Version : My Story so far...

12-01-15, 08:46

Apologies for long post. I've been on here nearly a year now. It all started when I had an extremely stressful time about a year ago for various reasons. I was working long hours and not getting a huge amount of sleep. One morning I got up and had a nasty dizzy spell..only lasted for about a minute but it really scared me.

Went to docs, they examined me and said it was nothing to worry about. They took bloods anyway and everything ok apart from I'm pre diabetic. As weeks went by I started to have panic attacks on the way to work and occasionally get a bit fuzzy light headed. Again back to docs and again they said nothing to worry about.

As time went on the fuzzy light headed feeling got pretty much constant when at work..I was getting panicky in certain situations, my legs would feel heavy as if I was going to faint.

Again back to docs same answer..they prescribed something for my anxiety..but I still don't think they really know what it is.

So here I am now..as I work for myself..I work on site at clients...now it's got to the point where I absolutely dread going to work...like everyone I have to...but I dread it. I dread the light headed fuzziness..I dread that I'm going to feel faint...it's horrible and its sucking the life out of me.

I'm still not convinced this is anxiety...how can I feel like this most of the time? Docs has said I need Cog Therapy which I'm going to go to.

I don't really don't know what else to do.

Has anyone else been through or is going through something similar..I'd there any light at the end of this dark tunnel?!

Thanks in advance

12-01-15, 09:16
I know exactly how you feel,
I have been having the same symptoms for years, there are times when it's better but generally the lightheaded/faint feeling is always there.
The fact that I have had it years sort of comforts me as I tell myself if it was something more than anxiety then I would probably be a lot worse by now and although the feelings are scary and make you feel so bad I have never actually fainted from them.
I think the key is to try and let it wash over you, I know that's easier said than done.
I made the mistake of giving up work because of it but all that did was add extra stress due to lack of money and I have actually felt worse since being home, keeping busy and having something to take your mind of it definitely helps.
now I sit at home worrying all day.
Take care

12-01-15, 09:39
I have them off and on now...im retired but im not sure what is causing mine..might be low blood pressure for me..You know I was thinking about it the other day and anxiety has ruined my life in so many ways over the years..I would have to quit jobs ever so often because of anxiety and fears of panic attacks.. I also had problems attending school and finishing high school and also college too..over the years I had bouts of anxiety that caused me to quit hard to get jobs or to even go to the jobs I had and also when I would get a great job ,also hard to get not take it for being afraid.. anxiety and me have never been mates...im sure that it has helped me at some points of my life to stay out of trouble or harms way but it also has destroyed many opportunities that might have made my life better.. I hate anxiety and if i could would get a doctor to cut the part of the brain out that causes fear.. it would enable me to have a way better life.. good luck to you on your issue ,hope you get it stable..sucks to be young and have issues ,its hard enough to be old ..and have them