View Full Version : New poster, old problem

12-01-15, 11:23
I'd really value some feedback.
I have suffered from excess ectopics going back to 2000. Had an ablation for them in 2003 and steadily progressed. Over the last 3 - 4 years where not really noticed. My last really bad period being January 2010.
I've been basically fine and exercising and living a normal life.
Last week I was swimming and felt a pain and then discomfort in my chest. Since then i've had a pretty constant discomfort, pulse all over the place with ectopics, seeming to be a bit quicker than normal when resting. Then periods when trying to sleep where it seems to build up to a 'jump' is the only sensation i can describe.
Some slight dizziness.

The last time this happened in 2010 i had echos/ blood tests/ exercise tests etc and it was all fine.
This latest episode has really dented my confidence because it involves discomfort and the occasional pain in my chest area.
As I say this has been going off and on since 2000 so I hope it isn't anything fundamental, but I can't get it out of my head. As I say I was given a full MOT in 2010 and ok, and that is what I'm clinging to at the moment. But it has come out of the blue and was sparked by exercise which I really need to be doing as it is a key part of me not worrying about everything (am a bit of a googler). I'm generally fit, normal weight, don't smoke, barely drink.

Am pretty down as this has put me back to a place I thought I'd left behind. Appreciate any advice.

12-01-15, 11:34
Golden rule of No More Panic .... Dr Google is banned for reasons of being a over reacting dramatic cow ! .....

Lol sorry had get that out there first.... Sorry hear about your suffering again.. Do think anxiety can be playing some part of this maybe health anxiety as you been doing so well now suddenly your in pain so your mind racing to everything including pervious conditions.... Hope get better soon anyway

12-01-15, 12:13
thankyou, and totally fine, Dr Google is a bad man.

yes it is that thing where you think you are out of it, and because there is actual chest discomfort i always think there is a possibility of something underlying it. now, of course that could be the case, but logically the fact this has happened off and on since 2000 lends you to think not

12-01-15, 12:31
go docs for another mot to put your mind at rest if all is good then you can work at getting yourself back into that good place =) ive banned myself from google everything leads to death lol