View Full Version : Could it be diabetes?

12-01-15, 14:42
Hi all,

Diabetes has always been one of those conditions I've had in the back of my mind for a while. Recently I've had very dry skin on my hands (although this has now improved) and have also had what feels like a dry mouth for the past day or two. I've also become aware of goospimples on the underside of my forearm, but I can't recall whether this has always been my complexion or not. It's not itchy or red and can only really be seen in certain light.

Could this be diabetes?

Good news is that I've booked in a self-assessment to begin CBT soon to help combat this health anxiety.


12-01-15, 23:03
Yes it could. Go to your doctor and asked to have a test to see if you are diabetic.They have a quick blood test that shows your sugar levels in the last three months. It showed mine had been high and im pre diabetic.i have what you do and also other symptoms although im not full diabetic...check it out.Its quick and easy and they can tell you very quickly and its not a life sentence to be diabetic...there are millions and millions world wide and millions of pre diabetics like me.Most of the time it can be controlled by the way you eat and from the research I have read diabetes can cause so much damage to every part of your body over time ..its best to find out. Good luck ,,keep us posted

15-01-15, 14:08
Hi. My symptoms have stopped. Perhaps I had a dry mouth due to something I ate. My hands are no longer dry. Must have been the change to cold weather in the UK.

16-01-15, 08:43
Thing is that my symptoms came and went and I was told three years ago I did not have diabetics but everything that happened to me that came and went like dry skin was just now and then. When I went to the hospital they did a test that showed I had high sugar for the last few months.I wasn't diabetic but pre diabetic enough to take oral meds and watch what I ate to stop the high sugar levels and the symptoms that go along with the illness