View Full Version : bad day

12-01-15, 14:46
I'm having a bad day today, still obsessing over boobs, I have drs this afternoon regarding medication, I'm going to talk to him about my fears but I am scared he will want to check boobs again and then find something wrong, I honestly can't deal with this anymore, I thought my meds would have started working, my mind is making me think maybe there really is something wrong because I can'tseem to shake this xx

12-01-15, 15:02
Herbie - what are you doing aside from meds?

12-01-15, 15:13
Just tell your doctor how you are feeling, have you been referred for any counselling/CBT?

12-01-15, 15:37
No, just the meds xx

12-01-15, 15:41
Ask your doctor about what options are available to you locally. I had CBT before that helped and I've just been referred for another course.
I can tell how fed up you are with all of this, explore as many options as you can to solve the anxiety (as well as the medication) xx

12-01-15, 15:56
How do I shake this fear, I'm now obsessing over the fact that I have lost weight and my bigger boob seems to appear larger, I've gone through nearly every boob symptom in the book, I worry about clevage one side looks longer( the outline I mean), if that make sense, if I was reading this and somebody else had posted it, I would think they have gone mad, but I just can't shake it xxx

12-01-15, 16:13
It's just anxiety... You need to remind yourself of that. If it wasn't your boobs you'd be fixating on something else.
You need to get as much help as possible to tackle your anxiety and you need to trust your doctor when they say that nothing is wrong with you physically.
I am still very up and down myself but I think having a determination to realise that anxiety is the root of all of the perceived physical problems, plus an even bigger determination to beat the anxiety is the only way past it.
As everyone keeps saying... Don't feed the dragon! See your doctor, ask for more help with anxiety and stop checking!
Sending hugs xx

12-01-15, 16:14
*big hugs* sorry you are having such a bad day Herbie, I am the same today - in a real state. Let us know how your appointment goes. Here if you need someone to talk to, you aren't alone hun x

12-01-15, 17:10
You are going through precisely what a million of us have gone through or are going through. For a while I was convinced I had lopsided testicles - now looking back that was a bit on the mad side.

So having read your posts you are just chasing your tail here, hoping for a miracle to take the worry away, yet the only strategy you are employing is to ask people whether they think it is a problem and then questioning whether they could be wrong - all classic health anxiety.

My experience was that however hard it is you need to shift your thinking and focus on the things that you can control. Focus on your reaction to worry, focus on the fact that no doubt you are spending a lot of time examining yourself, focus on other things. Try and convince your mind subliminally that this isn't so much of a worry after all. If you change your behaviours then I am willing to bet that other things will follow. Just ask Roxy90, WNSOS, Primula, Luc and others that I will have missed, but without exception they were where you are now, and they have all made dramatic improvement. Not one of them has achieved that by chasing the reassurance - it's a dead end unfortunately because it feels like the most obvious thing to do when you are in the midst of ha.

12-01-15, 18:19
Thanx you guys, just got back from drs, had a good old chat with him, he did offer to check for me again, so I thought why not, said all was ok, going to believe him this time, I need to stay on 40 mg for now, he told me I need to stop checking,which is exactly what I'm going to do, once a month he told me, I'm defo going to take notice this time, I know its anxiety driven, so I'm going to stop thinking about it and googling, I will still post on here, because you have been so supportive, you have got me through really bad times, anyway it can only get better from here.xxxx

12-01-15, 19:52
Well done lovely, you'll be fine! :hugs: xx