View Full Version : Okay, tongue ulcers ~ I googled, now I wish I hadn't.

12-01-15, 17:04
first of all my health anxiety has been pretty much in check for years, and I only googled to find the best treatment to get rid of a terrible ulcer I have on the side of my tongue at the back. The first thing thing that came up was mouth cancer and they sometimes can be a sign of underlying problem. At this point I shut the laptop and tried not to freak out.

Reassurances or tips most welcome to help me keep calm.

12-01-15, 17:16
Hi, I get mouth ulcers aaaaall the time. I get them when I'm stressed and tired (hence "all the time"). Prevention is key here because there is little you can do when you have one : drink lots of water and mouth rinse with salted water (and do not drink immediately after so that the salt can work on the ulcer). So to prevent them, I make sure that my toothpaste doesn't have sodium lauryl sulfate, as I read that it could make the mouth more prone to ulcers.

But try not to worry about it, mouth cancer is linked to mouth ulcers that last for months, not days.

Get well soon. xx

12-01-15, 17:36
Thank you ever so much !

12-01-15, 17:48
I went to a cancer check at dentist a dentist who specializes in mouth/oral cancer checked my mouth as I too was getting like mouth ulcers but wasn't sure what they were, he instantly told me I was dehydrated but no cancer, I drink loads more and it's gone, mine didn't hurt at all

13-01-15, 17:15
Dr Google is anxiety's friend.

your local pharmacist may be able to recommend a suitable mouthwash

13-01-15, 21:18
I have just spent the whole of my christmas worrying a mouth ulcer, spoiled what should have been the best time of the year. The dr took one look at it and immediately told me that it was just that. It went away the next day...I had had it over a week and it set my HA off again after having 8 years anxiety free. I now have a tickly cough and of course have moved on to my next negative diagnosis. Even though I swore blind not to go onto google I did. Now at 44 yrs old I am once again convinced I may be terminal. I ve joined this site for some advice on how to overcome HA. I wish you luck in overcoming yours too.

13-01-15, 21:54
I get them all the time too.

I also have painless ulcer looking things.

The ENT specialist just said it is where I have a heavy bite and they are teeth marks.