View Full Version : Pelvic/groin pain worry

12-01-15, 20:18
does anyone currently have constant period like pain even when not on period.

worried of any gyno cancers,

please help me digest my worry xx

12-01-15, 20:42
Hi Sarah

How long have you been having the pains? Is it a one of or more regular?

If you are really concerned or the pain is becoming bothersome see your Dr, if only to set your mind at rest.

Sometimes you can get something called a 'mid cycle ache' when the egg is realised which can cause pain between your periods, perhaps that is what you are feeling?

Hope this helps xx

12-01-15, 20:57
Thank you so much for your reply. My Dr wont allow me anymore tests or scans but this is very real. Been about 6 weeks now. I have had the ca125 blood test for ovarian cancer but unsure how acurate that is?

its just a constand ache really like period pains. I do have fibro so unsure if it could be muscular xx

12-01-15, 21:37
Yes I have exactly this Sarah! And I don't have periods as I'm on cerazette so that makes me worry even more. I've had ultrasounds and blood tests that show up clear and am awaiting the results of a smear test that I had last Tuesday (petrified!). Doctors say that it is probably ibs/stomach related but scares me as often so low down and often feels more like lady pains. Hard to relax and get on with life! x

12-01-15, 22:22
it is just awful. i have an amazing hubby and 3 brill kids i am missing out on so much and have wasted 2 years of my life worrying. i am sobbing writing this now x

12-01-15, 22:28
Thank you so much for your reply. My Dr wont allow me anymore tests or scans but this is very real. Been about 6 weeks now. I have had the ca125 blood test for ovarian cancer but unsure how acurate that is?

its just a constand ache really like period pains. I do have fibro so unsure if it could be muscular xx

I 100% understand what you are going through and I have been through exactly the same.

I know it is really difficult to do this when the anxiety sets in, but please try and trust your doctor if you can. Honestly, if they had ANY doubt whatsoever they would refer you for further tests. They won't take any chances.


---------- Post added at 22:28 ---------- Previous post was at 22:24 ----------

it is just awful. i have an amazing hubby and 3 brill kids i am missing out on so much and have wasted 2 years of my life worrying. i am sobbing writing this now x

oh hun... I really understand how this is! I feel I have wasted years of my life worrying too. You really aren't alone though and you can and WILL beat this!

I worry I am wasting my life away worrying, I am 31 soon and me and my boyfriend want to get married next year and start trying for a baby and I am just hoping to GOD I can kick my HA's butt so I can do all this :yesyes:

Focus on the love you have for your hubby and kids - don't beat yourself up for the anxiety, you are on the right track coming here to talk about it and seeking advice off your Dr.


12-01-15, 22:51
thank you very much. i am also only 32. the chances of cancer are low but the "WHAT IF" always beats me to the truth! i pray to god it is all in my head xx

12-01-15, 22:56
thank you very much. i am also only 32. the chances of cancer are low but the "WHAT IF" always beats me to the truth! i pray to god it is all in my head xx

It is anxiety hun, I am going through the same. We will get through this. Remember to trust your GP if you can and focus on your hubby and kids. I totally get what you are going through, it really sucks and drains the life out of you going through this worry, but remember anxiety can play awful tricks on us - try and rationalise it, if your GP was concerned they would insist on further tests.

Stay strong xx