View Full Version : brain tumor/cancer anxiety

12-01-15, 20:48
back story: in 2014, i developed severe pains in my right side. after several months of suffering with it, i finally entered the er in early october 2014. in making that decision, i developed overwhelming fear and very nearly had a panic attack walking into the room. i was diagnosed with a faulty gallbladder and it was removed within 2 or 3 weeks. in the 2 weeks leading up to the surgery, i developed multiple health symptoms that led me to further health fears. i developed some blurred vision, nausea, seeing eye floaters and random body pains. the doctors and surgeons all told me they believed these symptoms were a result of anxiety for surgery. in the er, i received full blood count tests, urine tests, vitals and an ultrasound of nearly all my internal organs. blood tests, vitals and urine tests were perfect and the ultra sound only showed gallstones. all other organs were perfectly functioning. after my surgery, i continued to have blurred vision, which they told me may be a result of needing hydrocodone from surgery pain or anxiety. however, i went to the eye doctor to be sure. they tested and dilated my eyes and prescribed very low prescription glasses but said eye and behind eye health was all excellent. he said it appeared i had slightly dry eyes from working on computers and also prescribed eye drops.

In the 2-3 months following this surgery and eye exam, i've had the following symptoms:

*slightly blurred vision, worst when i first wake up or look at lights at night
*tingles/burning feeling in legs, face, hands, feet
*small muscle twitches in legs, arms, arch of foot
*tingling numbness in my arms when i sleep (didn't used to get this)
*light headaches almost daily, off and on
*neck pain
*limb pain
*chest pain
*trouble sleeping and fatigue
*eye floaters
*liver side pain (surgeon said it is normal for up to 4 months after surgery, but it causes fears of liver failure after surgery)

Now, here is where i need help from you guys. The gallbladder surgery and er visit has already set me back quite a bit financially. However, when i googled the first few symptoms, brain tumors and cancer popped up. After that, i started to develop the other symptoms i read of. I don't want to ignore my health but i cant really afford to run into the doctor with every fear i am having or symptom i am developing. Do these symptoms appear to be anxiety driven or is it possible i was misdiagnosed and cancer or a brain tumor are actually present? I literally think about brain tumors or cancer on a daily basis. Everyone around me believes I am okay and all the doctors seem to have given me a clean bill of health. I just cant believe this huge array of symptoms are all in my head. Any help?

12-01-15, 21:20
All of these symptoms are typical anxiety issues and I shouldn't worry, even the floaters and blurred vision. The symptoms aren't in your head they are caused by the constant tension in your body from anxiety - it affects your senses and muscles and magnifies problems. The more you are worrying about your health, the worse your anxiety gets then the worse your symptoms get. Perhaps you could ask the doctor about help for your anxiety? Also, I think the CBT4Panic link in my signiture would be very helpful to you as it explains anxiety from head to toe.
It seems you are in good health now apart from the anxiety.

12-01-15, 21:57
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I just feel like the anxiety has snowballed and my health seemed to worsen with my fear. I know I have seen posts saying anxiety imitates diseases we fear. I just couldn't believe that this many symptoms happen to one person. I feared the ER and doctors missed something or it wasn't bad enough yet when I entered the ER. But I really appreciate your helpful words.

12-01-15, 22:22
Tiffany, get onto google (NOT Dr Google) and search "Centre for Clinical Interventions" this is an Australian site that has a fantastic FREE program of CBT for Health Anxiety.

Start with module one and work your way through it.

12-01-15, 23:04
I will definitely look it up...Anything to potentially relieve me from the fear that this is all a brain tumor.