View Full Version : Ovarian /cervical cancer- you have probably read this a million times but....

12-01-15, 21:26
I just need some reasurrance that its unlikely I have this. I have had the ca125 blood test which was normal but have really bad pelvic/groin pain.

please advise. I am very thankful to have found such lovely people to reply xx

12-01-15, 21:47
If you had ovarian cancer the result wouldn't be normal on that test. Your levels would be super elevated not even just slightly and for cervical cancer, you have to have a high risk strain hpv virus present in your cervix. Have you had a smear test recently? I would go see my Gp just in case but you don't need to worry. Hope it helps x

12-01-15, 22:11
thank you popejone. very kind you replied.i had a smear 2 years ago which was normal x