View Full Version : Need Help, High Anxiety

12-01-15, 21:49
I suffer from anxiety & depression and i've had a bad bad day and i'm kind of out of my mind with worry at the moment. Hoping people can ease my mind

My mum went into hospital for dental surgery and while under anesthesia there was a complication, her oxygen dropped and they've kept her in over night in the high dependency ward. She and they tell me she'll be home in the morning but i can't stop worrying that i'm going to get a bad phone call any moment.

Should i be worrying or am i making mountain's out of mole hills as usual. Does anyone know if this sounds normal being in high dependency ward for observation after oxygen dropped during surgery? is it a rare case?

Thanks for any help

12-01-15, 22:02
If you are worried or have any questions you could phone the ward she is in and ask them. They are usually kind and will answer all your questions as it is your Mother.

If they say she will be home in the morning that's a good sign.

12-01-15, 22:12
i've already phoned twice :/ she sounds normal. just keep going over and over it in my head

I'm just scared she's in the "high dependency ward" i don't even know what "high dependency" is, it just doesn't sound good.