View Full Version : Im 23 and worry all the time

13-01-15, 03:54
I have been a hypochondriac since I was a child. I can remember feeling sick and obsessing and making myself feel worse.
All through collage I had no health worries until my senior year I noticed a lump in my right breasts. I have it examined and the doctor had little to say other then it was moveable and harmless. The doctors reassurance made me feel better for a while until recently when I went off birth control bills for about a month. Upon restarting the medication I began to experience pain in my breasts mostly in the right breast in the area when the lump was. When I felt my breast I could feel the hard lump more noticeably then before. I also noticed that my breast grew a whole cup size in about a months time. I thought that the pain would go away after I got acclimated with the hormones again but its been persistent now for about 3 months. It comes and goes and seems to get worse around the week of my period. I have also had pain in my right shoulder for about the same amount of time. The pain that I have been experiencing has made me feel like their is something seriously wrong with me. I keep self- examining by breasts and over analyzing every detail. I feel like my overthinking is causing me to feel even worse physical pain. When I am distracted with a task I feel fine but when I'm left alone I obsess and feel terrible. The only real symptom I have is breast pain and I am only 23 years old. Should I be worried its serious or should I calm down my crazy head?

13-01-15, 08:19
I have been through this a few times but the shoulder pain will be tension and our breasts do have lumps and bumps from milk ducts, etc.

Its easier said than done to calm down but hopefully you will feel better soon x

17-01-15, 03:50
Thanks @hopefulmi
I have a new concern that has really been bothering me lately. I have a small cyst or ingrown hair in my groin area a few weeks ago. I didn;t think anything of it because I have gotten them before. It went away but then I noticed another one a few days later that was very painful to the touch. Its a bump under the skin that really hurts. I am wondering if I should go to the doctor because I have two so frequently which is very odd. I also have been having mild lower abdomen pains.... I;m hoping it will just go away and trying not to worry about it but its kind of driving me crazy!

17-01-15, 18:24
i can relate to everything you've said so much !! i have the same feelings as you, i'm 18 and i feel like i'll spend my whole life worrying and making myself sick :(

i sometimes get a couple of those lumps too and it always ends up being ingrown hairs if that makes you feel better, they can last for ages for me. i had one that lasted like 2 whole years until one day i finally managed to pop it lol! :)

and for the abdomen pain maybe its hormonal? is it like period pain?
i get a lot of stomach pain too and i used to really panic but i'm learning that all sorts of stuff goes on down there and if it was anything terrible i'd have lots of other symptoms :)

18-01-15, 04:44
Finding this forum and posting about my problems has made me feel a lot better. But i still find myself worrying at time. Some times I wake up from a horrible nightmare in the middle of the night where I dream something horrible related to my HA fears... I end up laying there in bed awake... scared and worried. does anyone else have this problem?

---------- Post added at 22:44 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ----------

Also the way that I self treat is to try to eat as healthy as possible and ovoid food and products with GMO's harmful chemicals and high fat or refined oils. This has kind of become an obsession for me. But i guess its not a bad thing to eat well. When I take in bad food I have bad thoughts about it ugh...