View Full Version : Overnight shift :(

13-01-15, 08:00
I finally landed myself a job. However, as the title says, it's an overnight shift.
I know from past experience that the unnatural, isolating reality of overnight work brings me face to face with depression pretty hard, complete with suicidal thoughts. It even brings back a touch of the anxiety that I largely left behind years ago.
It really sucks because I've actually been doing pretty well for a while now. I'd even call myself happy. I'm really worried that this is going to throw me off all over again.
I hope to find another job very soon, but for the time being, this is going to be tough on me and I could really use any advice or support that you guys have to offer.
Really, anything positive would be appreciated; just give me some good things to think about/do in order to pull myself away from the slobbering, hungry void that is depression.
Thanks, all :)

13-01-15, 11:30

I worked night shifts only for around 5 years or so, so I can empathise.

Will you be working with others or alone? I think that may make a big difference as to how you may feel, mood wise. I find that being alone during a quiet night, when the rest of the world - it feels - are sleeping, can throw up those dark thoughts, or just plain overthinking. With others around you as a distraction, working as a team can be a comfort and distract the mind.

I know it sounds dumb, but I really think the key is distraction, and as much as possible. I know from experience how depressive thoughts accumulate, and I think being both with others and keeping busy is helpful.

It is fantastic that you have landed a job, and you must be proud of that, as it is a big deal when you have or are battling mental health issues. That is a huge positive thing to bear in mind.:)

14-01-15, 02:19
Thanks, Debs.
5 years?! Yeesh. You poor thing.
I am going to be working in a position where I will be around other people all night, so that really ought to help.
I start tonight, and am actually feeling pretty confident about it, which surprises me. I slept all day, so that probably helps, haha.

14-01-15, 04:30
Ahh, that is GREAT news!....and great that you will not be alone there.

Yep, a good sleep absolutely helps a lot. Tiredness plays a big part in making things so much harder to deal with.

It's ironic actually, as when I was working nights for that long, I actually liked it. I think it suited me as my stress levels were much higher when working days, and the nights felt just more chilled out. It is since I stopped working them that the negative cropped up....left with serious insomnia which is not great for my mood/anxiety.

Despite this down side of it, I do however still think that working nights can be good in many ways.....plus it is FANTASTIC to be going home in the morning whilst the rest of the world is going to work, lol.:D

18-01-15, 10:12
Hey! So it's actually been going quite well so far. My job keeps me very busy, so the 10 hour shift goes by much more quickly than one might think. I also get 3 day weekends, which is definitely a perk. Gives me plenty of time to get in touch with my friends and spend time on my own interests.
I've received quite a few compliments about my work ethic, too. It's possible to get transferred to a swing or morning shift eventually. I'm going to keep working hard in hopes of being deemed eligible for transfer to an earlier shift.
Thanks for your encouraging words :)