View Full Version : Hiya all

13-01-15, 08:22
Hi there everyone, I have recently been diagnosed with GAD at the ripe old age of 51!!!, dont know what brought it on but my GP reckons it could be a virus that I had before xmas. Most days I am able to carry on working, etc, even though I have such a foggy head!! What I am struggling most with is the bloating and stomach pains. I have such stupid irrational thoughts that I have some sort of cancer and am going to die!!! Oh, and I sooo wish I could have a good nights sleep, I wake after a couple of hours and sometimes I go back to sleep and sometimes I lie awake for hours. My biggest fear .... driving!! I have been a confident driver since I was 17 but suddenly I am petrified of driving (cant get to work unless I drive!!!). Anybody else suffered like this? Any suggestions would be great, I am slowly going crazy!!

13-01-15, 08:27
Hiya Gaynoroc and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-01-15, 15:35
Hello & Welcome!
I too was recently diagnosed with anxiety at 45. Crazy to tink I've gone through so much and just now it shows up. When it started I had tingly & lightheaded days & nights. Now I'm going through upper abdominal pain/tension that Drs are passing off as reflux. Again, something I've never had my entire life. I'm a worrier & always go to the extreme. I also thought cancer!! I've had several blood tests, ultrasound, CT scan & a couple ER visits...can't find a thing wrong. i try hard to go with their expertise & treat it as reflux but even the medications are giving me relief.
I hope you get some answers & will be sending positive thoughts your way!!


13-01-15, 16:32
Hiya and welcome

I'm 56.. I was in the middle of the menopause then I had a severe stomach virus a couple of years ago and was just like you....I was so convinced that I had something more physical wrong with me that I was thinking of all stupid things, like getting run over or trying to hurt myself just so I could get admitted to Hospital so they could run tests and keep me under observation.

I pestered my GP so much cos of 8months of constant loose bowels, he sent me for a Colonoscopy, which showed the virus had irritated the bowel, but I didn't believe it, so I was then referred to a psychologist and he diagnosed me with Chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety, depression AND because I'd not long moved up to Scotland from Liverpool just before I fell ill, it was like I was grieving for my old life. He was right because at that time I'd never really settled, still felt like a tourist here, plus my husbands mother was trying to get rid of me to the point she offered me money to leave.

He prescribed me Sertraline 100mg, then after a few months was put down to 75s and now I'm on 50mg and doing much better.

I too wouldn't drive, would break out in a cold sweat at the thought of it. I still find it hard to get motivated about driving.